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Dustin F

First big game kill and got in done with the bow

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I started the hunt off opening weekend and was planning on taking the first week of the hunt off of work but after the rut action did not seem to be in full swing I traded my days off for the last week of the hunt to see if they would fire up a bit. I set up camp Friday night and hit the woods early Saturday morning and heard one faint bugle and I told my buddy I'm gonna go after it while he gains some elevation to glass as the sun came up. Soon in to my hike I heard another sound off and began to hear some cows talking and doing their thing so I decided to let out a few cow calls of my own so I turned opposite direction of the cow calls and started calling. After 15 second of calling I paused and the woods erupted, bugles all around me so I began to call very lightly away from the bugles and noticed a bull coming right at me over the ridge. He made a B line right for me at 26 yards I stoped him he was quartering towards me slightly when I let it fly the shot was a little back so the exit wound had a little guts but I had good blood. He travled about a mile before he went down making it a hard track but we put our heads down and I told my self I was not leaving till I found him. I wish my shot was a little better but that's bow hunting and I got a bit of the feaver but you can bet the next one I don't make that mistake again. All in all tho the experience was one like I have never felt and I am stoked with my first big game kill ever and I got it done with bow in hand! As soon as I figure out how to post pics on here they will come.

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Nice bull!! Must have felt awesome to take your first big game animal with a bow!

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