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Blue Grouse Hunting?'s

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A stamp 'IS REQUIRED'. Don't get yourself in trouble. Some license packages have it included. When you buy your license you should get one each year. Along with a lion tag. Grouse are a neat animal. Not the easiest to hunt because they don't make much noise and don't leave tracks. But when you're poking around in the dark stuff on the north sides of ridges you can see all kindsa things to keep you interested. They ain't much for wing shooting. So dont think you're not being sporting to shoot one on the ground or off a limb. And they are great to eat. About the size of those Cornish game hens. Sometimes bigger. My boy shot one like a chicken once. Literally so tough you couldn't eat it. Don't just cook the breast. The legs and wings have lotsa meat on em. Bread and fry like a quail and make gravy from the leavins. Not bad on a green stick spit either. Need to pluck em tho for that. You can stuff a bunch and cook em in the oven too. Grouse are a very overlooked opportunity to enjoy. Lark.

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Thanks again Lark for all your knowledge, very much appreciated. I am going to go get that stamp today to make sure I have it.

It looks like they introduced them in unit 5 and 4 and were protected for 5 years until 2013 the 5 years were up. Sounds like they are easy to kill once you find one? That's the tough part finding them :-). I read somewhere last night their range is like 1-2 acres which is good to know.

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I thought they were still protected in 4 & 5. I hope the population continues to grow. It would be nice to have a decent population of Grouse on the top of the rim. I've hunted for them a few times, but never saw any. I've only seen 1 grouse. I would love to get one some day. Good luck!



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Don't hunt them in 4A, 5A or 31. Still off limits.

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Ok will do! Thanks for the heads up on 4, 5, and 31. and I checked with G&F there is no stamp required. 😃

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Weird it says conflicting things in the regs, and the office says its not required. Plus it was free when it was required. Maybe there were just trying to get some kind of count of how many people were even attempting to hunt them, at one time.

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This is the statement for blue Grouse from the regs.


To hunt blue grouse in Arizona, you need a valid hunting or combination license. A migratory bird stamp is not required.

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Thanks guys, I was in the area of the mesa office so I stopped in and the gentleman at the desk said is no longer a requirement to have a stamp, just patience and a valid hunting license. I also called the Carefree and Pinetop offices and they also said just a valid hunting license no stamp required.

I'm just getting done pattering my 410 and I am having mixed feelings about taking it now. Looks like I'll be taking the SBE II 12 gauge. Might just bring both and decide next week when I get there? Undecided

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If you can find the birds your 410 should work fine if they are not nervous birds. However if they have been hunted they can fly exctremely fast thru timber and the 12ga will be your best friend. There use to be a good population around greens peak. I had also started finding alot in 27 before the willow fire and have not been back there since the fire.

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Thanks Jim for the info, around greens peak is where I am planning on hunting. If everything looks good with work I'll be leaving tonight to hunt tomorrow morning. I'm getting pumped to go!

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Well I was able to make it up to my spot where I have seen grouse before. This was literally a "shotgun trip" as I left my house at 2am and arrived at 6:30am. The weather was perfect, didn't need a jacket or sweater on, blue sky's with a little fog in the meadows. The Elk were screeing their heads off all morning and was able to call in 2 bulls to about 50 yards, one reply nice one guessing at least 360".

Unfortunately my little 410 compact shotgun never left my camelpack, but had lots of fun on the 10 mile hike. As I got home I chatted with a buddy that was up there chasing Bulls and he said he had a grouse fly up right at his feet and scared him half to death. He was only a few miles away from me that morning, so that was good to know I was in a good area.
















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