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Found dead bull in 4b

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If all else fails and the two can't stop arguing, then there is a wonderful option that Amanda put into CWT that allows you to block users. I personally have used this on one occasion because I found myself getting too flustered with someone else's antics. You know who you are :)


I come here for hunting knowledge - not the other stuff, but even saying that it's hard sometimes to sit quiet and not respond, but in the end I usually feel better NOT getting into a typing match with someone I don't even know.


Finding the owner of the bull is what is important at this point - however that happens is good in my book.


Not every lost bull is because people don't practice or don't take good shots. Sometimes it happens no matter how prepared you are just like it did to me.

That's me folks... Nature chick blocked me...but still unblocks me every once and awhile to send me PMs... lmao

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Seems every so often there is a thread that gets some real hostility between a couple of members ... I think maybe everybody needs to get their "big boy" hunter pants on and behave. If you don't agree with someone, fine ... but do it with some tact and class.


This is the type of crap that some guy pulled in the Political forum and got all the real world politics banned from discussion.

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If all else fails and the two can't stop arguing, then there is a wonderful option that Amanda put into CWT that allows you to block users. I personally have used this on one occasion because I found myself getting too flustered with someone else's antics. You know who you are :)


I come here for hunting knowledge - not the other stuff, but even saying that it's hard sometimes to sit quiet and not respond, but in the end I usually feel better NOT getting into a typing match with someone I don't even know.


Finding the owner of the bull is what is important at this point - however that happens is good in my book.


Not every lost bull is because people don't practice or don't take good shots. Sometimes it happens no matter how prepared you are just like it did to me.

That's me folks... Nature chick blocked me...but still unblocks me every once and awhile to send me PMs... lmao


Somehow, after the back and forth in the post a couple of days ago I figured that was you ... BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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License revocation A.R.S. 17-340

Waste of game meat.

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Man I miss one day and 3 more pages of discussion! This actually pleases me because people are starting to bring up the need for letting the unit manager know about a found animal. Regardless of my personal opinion of any member on this site, I truly believe that helping someone out is to utilize all options available. I have no badge, nor do I want to police any situation. I am no different than most of you, I work hard at raising my little sportsman the proper way, teaching them the value of having a moral code. BC777 will do as he was raised to do and I do not think I will change his ways or opinions in these matters. If I have offended anyone, to include BC777, I apologize (The bobcat, roadhunter comments in particular). I feel bad for those who do wear a badge and do the best they can, only to be grouped into the gooberment that is failing us so miserably. "To serve and protect the rights of our wildlife" (who cannot speak or defend themselves) Remember folks two elk have already been found poached, one by gun, one by bow. Could that elk be another? Who knows unless they get to investigate the carcass................... I am done with this thread. Good Luck to everyone on their upcoming hunts

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Man I miss one day and 3 more pages of discussion! This actually pleases me because people are starting to bring up the need for letting the unit manager know about a found animal. Regardless of my personal opinion of any member on this site, I truly believe that helping someone out is to utilize all options available. I have no badge, nor do I want to police any situation. I am no different than most of you, I work hard at raising my little sportsman the proper way, teaching them the value of having a moral code. BC777 will do as he was raised to do and I do not think I will change his ways or opinions in these matters. If I have offended anyone, to include BC777, I apologize (The bobcat, roadhunter comments in particular). I feel bad for those who do wear a badge and do the best they can, only to be grouped into the gooberment that is failing us so miserably. "To serve and protect the rights of our wildlife" (who cannot speak or defend themselves) Remember folks two elk have already been found poached, one by gun, one by bow. Could that elk be another? Who knows unless they get to investigate the carcass................... I am done with this thread. Good Luck to everyone on their upcoming hunts

About dang time. Holy crap Ken. Getting everyone all in a tizzy.

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I think what BC777 is trying to do is a good thing but here is a side of it that no one has brought up yet and that is insurance bulls. This happens every year and more than most would like to admit too. An insurance bull is where someone shoots a decent bull, leaves in in hopes of killing a bigger one then coming back later in the hunt to claim it as if they looked for it the entire time. As the good sportsmen you all are I know its a hard thing to swallow that extra bulls get killed for no reason but I promise you it happens. the only way I can see it from being prevented is someone taking that bull out of the field (has to be gf by law) which will prevent a person from coming back and picking it up. I'm not a fan of gf selling all these antlers that someone can prove they shot and looked for but the best thing I can come up with is if someone shoots a bull, cant find it within the day they should call gf in case someone else does find it before they do. In my mind if I wounded a bull, told the local game "worden" where and when and that bull turns up, I have every right to it. Now if gf decides to keep it i'll fight em for it but it seems like a better option than possibly allowing insurance bulls to lay out there.

Happens all the time by scumbag hunters. I've heard it called scoring on the ground. They don't like it so they keep hunting




Thats BullSHYT. makes me mad.

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If all else fails and the two can't stop arguing, then there is a wonderful option that Amanda put into CWT that allows you to block users. I personally have used this on one occasion because I found myself getting too flustered with someone else's antics. You know who you are :)


I come here for hunting knowledge - not the other stuff, but even saying that it's hard sometimes to sit quiet and not respond, but in the end I usually feel better NOT getting into a typing match with someone I don't even know.


Finding the owner of the bull is what is important at this point - however that happens is good in my book.


Not every lost bull is because people don't practice or don't take good shots. Sometimes it happens no matter how prepared you are just like it did to me.

That's me folks... Nature chick blocked me...but still unblocks me every once and awhile to send me PMs... lmao



You really should learn to read my PMs better. I explained it all there months ago, but I'd be happy to do it now if you'd like.


I blocked you because I felt like you were repeatedly attacking me. I don't need that type of stuff in my life. You may enjoy it, but I don't.


I unblocked you because you had information that was valuable to me. I left you unblocked after that.


That's how the block feature works on CWT. You can block just people's posts or their posts and their private messages. It's a good feature. I would prefer to have the option of blocking someone rather than leaving CWT altogether.

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like a regular school yard play ground... he pulls her hair... she runs by him... tag your it.

grade school crush... LOL!



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like a regular school yard play ground... he pulls her hair... she runs by him... tag your it.

grade school crush... LOL!



LOL its clear Lance and Nature Girl have a thing going...however I didnt know Out2hunt had such a big crush on BC777

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I think it is great that BC777 is trying to help someone find their Lost Bull, even though I feel some do too little in trying to retrieve wounded game and many decide to keep on hunting.


I can not Fault Out2Hunt's logic and feelings that every possible means should be used in trying to locate the hunter, and this includes contacting fish and game. We all know that poaching hurts us all and that during open seasons is when many poachers try to blend in with the mix, not to mention unethical hunters that may choose to walk away from one kill to harvest something bigger. These so called hunters are poachers despite having a tag, insurance bull or whatever you want to call it , it is wrong and G&F should have the heads up to inspect and investigate the kill.


I think Nature Girl and AZLance would have more fun if they Hugged it out for 20 mins in the corner, the way my son and daughter were tortured when they bickered too much.


Really though, ALL I WANT TO KNOW IS, BC did this thread work in finding the bulls owner?

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