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FINALLY UPDATED WITH PICS!! Anybody near Mesa airport want to make a quick reward?

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My dad is in the air right now flying back from his elk hunt and tried to carry on his elk cape and I guess they confiscated it from him and threw it away. He didn't give me any notice other then a text so I tried calling down there. The lady at the desk knew what I was talking about but said TSA had it. So they transferred me up there, they said Allegiant air had it, so I called back down there and they don't answer now since its after business. If anyone is near there and would be willing to run up there I'll mail you a $50 check whether you can get the cape or not. If you do get it and run it to ups for me sometime and shop it up here ill give ya $200. Sorry this is disparate, this is a once in a lifetime elk and I guess I am disparate. Call me on me cell ASAP if you can help out. 701-527-5747. My names Ben

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Guest akaspecials

That's strange that they wouldn't let him bring it on. I've traveled with deer heads and quarters in my carry ons...


I really hope someone can help you out! TSA can suck!

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He got it!!! Big Browns is the man!!! It blows me away how many stand up guys there are on this site!! Stay tuned and I'll get a story put together and some pics! Thanks again Adam!!

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I don't know whether I was more excited when he shot the bull or when I found out Adam had the cape!! This is just great! Thanks again to Big Browns!

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Way to go Adam, just another notch on the cwt.com belt of why this is the best site on the web.

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I had some serious doubts I would be able to get the cape, but I knew I had to try. If it was my cape I would want someone to help me out. When I got to the ticket counter it was empty. I didn't know what I was going yo do. Then a worker walked by. Thats when I started sweet talking & begging for info on the cape. She made a phone call to another worker. Then she went behind the counter and brought out the cooler with the cape. I was SHOCKED! I couldn't believe I actually got it. I think I was more excited then Ben was. The cape is now safe & sound in my freezer. Love helping out a cw member!!!!



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One of the main reasons I love this site! Good people make it the best site on the web! Awesome story right here.

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