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Any More Cool Trail Cam Pics

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Hey Cramerhunts. Are all those pics from the same spot. I know the first trwo are but I'm not sure about the third . Thats intrusting how the spot changed over time. And what have you used for bait. I just got a trail camera and I'm excited to set it out for the first time this weekend.

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They are two different spots.


The bait are those specail crystals mentioned on the forum a while back..... :P Just kiddn' it's salt.

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azsagebrush that last bull has got some of the biggest thirds I have ever seen!!!


Anotehr great thread going here but sadly I do not have any trailcams so no pics from me.

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Those thirds are super nice. Can you imagine if his firsts and seconds matched. That would be a huge bull. Do you have any side shots of him? David

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azsagebrush those are awesome pics. Hopefully this year I will have some trail cam pics, I am going to buy some cheap ones to start out with. That way I can see how this game is played.

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here are a few i got this year that i thought were ok. I think the elk kiddos are cool.






sorry no coues pics...they seem to elude my trail cameras somehow.....

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azsagebrush those are awesome pics. Hopefully this year I will have some trail cam pics, I am going to buy some cheap ones to start out with. That way I can see how this game is played.

Ultramag, My thought is do not waste your money on a cheap-film camera.

Buy a digital, It will pay for its self in no time at all by not buying film and developing.

Just my $.02


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Check out the first picture here http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID6/186.html


Could these sheds be the same bull from azsagebrush's trail cam


P.S. These aren't my photos and I don't know whos they are so sorry in advance for posting somebody elses pics, I noticed the similarity and thought it was interesting

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Check out the first picture here http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID6/186.html


Could these sheds be the same bull from azsagebrush's trail cam


P.S. These aren't my photos and I don't know whos they are so sorry in advance for posting somebody elses pics, I noticed the similarity and thought it was interesting


Not the same set unless the dates are incorrect - trail cam is 2006, sheds are 2005


but could be same bull, different years...

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