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Hawk attacking my chickens

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Gentlemen, Ladies & FirstCouesWas80,

A hawk has attacked and damaged several of my chickens. Some have gone missing that i can't definitively attribute to the hawk, though i have my suspicions.


Do I have rights to defend my flock in a permanent fashion? Let me know your thoughts.

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I can tell you this, a hawk is considered a migratory bird and is therefore protected under federal law!!!! I raise birmingham roller (pigeons) and my birds get hit by hawks and falcon all the time. There's nothing you can do!!! I know this really sucks!!!



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What if I happened to set my archery target under the tree the hawk sits in, and inadvertently missed the target and hit the hawk? Chargeable offense?

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What do you do with your chickens? If you sell eggs or chickens raise the price. It is the cost of doing business same as employee or government stealing. A little netting over the chickens may deter the hawks. Remember those hawks are also eating the vermin. ;)

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Raptors (hawks, owls, eagles) are all federally protected birds. You can not harm them or even possess parts of them, such as feathers, claws, or wings.


I know of a trapper who last year AZ G&F and the Federal Government attempted to prosecuted for allegedly killing an owl, possessing parts of the owl, and using the feathers of the owl of in a foothold trap. A federal representative came from Washington DC and met with the trapper at an AZ G&F office. In the end, the Feds turned the case over to the state for them to prosecute. The state positively IDs the feathers through DNA analysis. In the end that portion of the case fell through, but other infractions stuck and he lost his license to hunt fish and trap for a few years.


All this because he posted a picture on the internet.


AZG&F and Fed departments can and do get on internet forums. I'd not mess with any raptors in any way shape or form.

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As has been said, it's illegal to kill hawks, and even if you did, it's likely another hawk would move in and take up the same practice of attacking your chickens. I would try and consider some sort of protection for the chickens like someone mentioned with some netting or chicken wire over the area where the chickens spend most of the day. Just something that can help the chickens be less vulnerable.

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If it's happening at night, I have a buddy that had a problem with owls, he placed a flashing barricade light up around his birds. They run off of D batteries and have a light sensor in them so they just flash at night to save juice. I know they have solar ones also. Any who, he figured out that the flashing light would keep the raptors nocturnal vision out of focus.

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Now that you have posted your problem and potential intentions on a public forum....there's nothing you can do <_<

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you could also line the perimeter with huge solar panels . the govmnt doesn't seem to care if those kill birds either! or....oops never mind...I was gonna suggest some fighting cocks with spurs....ur outa luck!

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As soon as I posted this, Big Brother turned his watchful on my house. Do I hear a drone?

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They will send a guy all the way from DC because someone wacked a hawk but they won't put Eric Holder under investigation for selling guns to the Cartel.

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