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Scouting pics

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So I've been putting the boots to the dirt trying to get to know my unit for my upcoming rifle muley tag. Been out 5 times now and I'm starting to get on some decent bucks. Figured I would share some pics from my scouting trips. Found a couple bulls on one of my trips. Nothing crazy good but this rag horn and a small 5x5. Normally I wouldn't care all that much about seeing these elk but this is an area that traditionally holds very few elk so to see some was pretty neat. Didn't see any deer though.post-2151-0-84711900-1410302371.jpg Went out this morning to an area that I had been in before. I knew this area holds a fair amount of deer but had yet to see any deer. Sign everywhere but no deer. Well this time was different. Glassed up this deer just after sunup. He's only a 3x4 but seems supper tall! (Sorry about the pic quality as they where through my spotting scope, completely zoomed in, then later zoomed in again digitally to make out the deer) post-2151-0-42593700-1410302672.jpg post-2151-0-50726400-1410302699.jpg This deer was also with a nice 4x5 with what looked like a 6" dropper on his left! Granted he wasn't a super big buck, maybe 150" or so, but any buck with a drop tine is a stud buck in my opinion! I tried my dagumedest but couldn't get a pic of that buck to save my life so you'll just have to take my word for it. In reality too, maybe it could've been velvet starting to come off and not a drop tine but it seems a little early for that and it really looked like a drop tine. What are your thoughts? Is it too early for them to be shedding velvet? Or am I just seeing some hanging velvet and making it into a dropper? Anyway, I'm super stoked to come across these bucks as both will be my biggest deer by far. Thnx for reading!

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I've been seeing some pics of killed muleys with clean antlers. I'd say odds are it's probably hanging velvet... but that's boring. So go to the grave claiming it was a drop tine, and believe that. It's more fun. And who knows, maybe it was.

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  On 9/10/2014 at 12:11 AM, JakeL said:

I've been seeing some pics of killed muleys with clean antlers. I'd say odds are it's probably hanging velvet... but that's boring. So go to the grave claiming it was a drop tine, and believe that. It's more fun. And who knows, maybe it was.

Sure looked like a drop tine to me. Nice bucks!

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