What is the greatest danger to Coue's hunting in your state?
SilentButDeadly, in Political Discussions related to hunting
What do you think the greatest danger is to Coue's hunting?
50 members have voted
1. What do you fear most?
An increasing number of hunters (lowered draw odds, loss of over the counter archery)14
Loss of habitat (housing development, urban expansion)23
A voting public opposed to hunting12
Game and Fish6
Science (wildlife biologists)0
Illegal immigration (drug-runners, Coyotes, etc)12
Federal Government (ie creation of new national parks and preserves that forbid hunting)1
Irresponsible hunters15
Wolf reintroduction2
Hunting! (the wanton killing of innocent woodland creatures)0
Gun hunters1
Archery hunters1
Hippy protesters3
Climate change3
Societial paradigm (It's not like the good ol' days any more!)0