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alleged camera thief

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I wanted to throw alleged in there to be politically correct. Last week on 9-1-14, me and my son walked in to a pond south of Pine to set up a Primos Deer Positioning System camera I recently got from another member. I also decided to throw up another camera just in case this one didn't work. I don't normally set cams on water, so I used an old one that didn't even have the plastic lock clip on it anymore and just put a bungee cord on it. Now the Primos camera we set high up in a juniper that would allow me to get pics of the area. For those of you that haven't heard of this camera, it takes a picture every 30 seconds from daybreak to sunset. You then download them onto your computer and watch it as a video. A 16gb card will last about 7 days, but you can actually watch the animals walking through the forest up to the water.


So on 9-2-14 I get pictures of a family of 2 men, 1 woman, a small child about 2 years old and there little white dog with a brown face. They go straight to the pond and walk the edge and then the woman walks right over to my camera and points at it. She then walks right past my camera that they never noticed. One of the men comes from behind the tree and also walks in front of it. The 2 men then meet up with 1 guy holding the hand of the child. Then 1 of the guys walks right over to where the woman pointed out my camera and I get of picture of him right next to the tree. I believe he was unhooking the bungee cord.


So I figured before I start posting all of these pictures, 9 in total, I thought I would try to get my camera back from these nice folks. I am thinking they probably live in either Strawberry or Pine, so somebody might know something and contact me to get my camera back. Its not an expensive camera by no means and won't affect my life one bit, but if they know there are caught it might prevent them from stealing anymore camera's down the road. I have included a couple teaser pics to show that I am serious and have the evidence to show what they have done. I don't care if they give the camera to somebody else and that person contacts me. I have heard in the past that other people have actually posted printed pics in town, but I am hoping it won't get to that.


I had 6512 pictures up until this past Friday around noon, and not another person came near the pond. On a side note, no deer showed up either. My trail camera is circled in the picture where she is pointing. I really like this Primos camera. David






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Pretty common spot... did you capture pics of them with cam in hand too? Hope you get it back David...

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great ethics! teachin the kid early!!

date may be wrong... cam says 12:31 AM.. it would be dark at that time.



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Here are some more pictures. The last two pictures show him walking towards the tree where my camera in placed, and then the last picture he is right behind the tree either getting ready to remove it or he already has taken it.The dates are right, I set the time wrong. David









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The dike around the pond is probably 10-12 foot tall and we put it high in a juniper. It was actually hard to see up in the tree. It was not locked up at all, but there is a deterant on it. If they did find it, that probably kept them from taking it. But in all the pics, they never look at it. I'm sure somebody will recognize the woman sooner or later. David

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I started looking closer at some of these pics on a big screen tv and noticed that the guy walking toward my camera has his hat off and looks to be bald. Plus he is also into working out. I'm surprised that nobody has been able to identify these people. David

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Idiots, why can't people leave things that aren't theirs alone.

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I hate theifs!!! I always wanted to come across someone else's cameras moon them and turn around with a thumbs up ha ha. But taking stuff that's not yours come on!

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