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Hunter Ed Question

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This may have been covered on here, but I couldn't find anything when I searched....


My kids got the Jr Antlerless Kaibab tag this year. Figured a good way to introduce them to big game. I had them do the online class in July, and we have the field range day next Saturday.


I haven't taken the class since I was 14 (30 years ago). I'm wondering what to expect these days, and how I could best prepare them for it. Is there anything I should have them focus on, as far as review material for this field day portion?


My 11 year old is pretty nervous about it, and getting himself worked up wanting to study and re-study, and I can't really tell him what to expect.

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Great that your kids are getting to hunt this year! That Kiabab Jr. hunt is AWESOME!


If you want him to study up, I would concentrate on the basics that he learned in the class (T.A.B. + 1, etc....). Then I would just encourage him to listen to the instructors carefully during the field day, relax, and enjoy! Seems to me like the field day has not changed that much over the years. Good, basic, hands-on instruction. He'll be fine!





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just tell him to have fun


kinda easy if your not the first in line because everyone is hawkin the kid in front of them to see what they do .


just go over the BASIC stuff the night before or even on the trip to the range - its all about handling the gun and being safe

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Where are you guys doing the field day? If you want can on me ill get you my dads number he has been voulenteer hunter Ed instructor for 15 20 years he could help you put jr at ease

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Practice the "crossing the fence" The diff. shooting positions, The diff. gun carries and parts of a rifle. Make sure they know "how will you know the caliber of a rifle"? Also make sure they know "Safe shooting zones" and what a safety is.


Like elkaholic said... have fun!


Ernesto C

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Tell him to relax,



Shooting zone for the shotgun

How to carry a rifle

Crossing a fence



The instructors are great people. Enjoy the hunt!

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During the field day they go over everything that's on the test. He will do fine! Good luck on the hunt!

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It's good that he is nervous and is really working hard. My son was the same way last year. From my experience with my son and the rest of the kids in his class, if the kids show up, pay attention, and give a 100% effort, the instructors won't let them fail.

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Thank you all! I've never heard of anyone failing the class, but it was a thought (with the trip already planned). We've been out the past couple weekends doing all the shooting positions with a .22, carry positions, etc... Should be fine. Thanks for the reassurance.

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