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Coues 'n' Sheep

Applying For NM Coues Deer Hunts

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Well.... I have never put in for New Mexico before and am thinking about it this year....... of course...... for, you guessed it... Coues Deer and Sheep.... :D .



I only ask advice because I know that some you hunt over there or live there. Not wanting anything specific..... Just units...... 23.....24..... 27.....or somewhere else for coues??? And any other info you about the New Mexico draw would be great. Can't draw here so might as well try to hunt coues somewhere..... :)



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I hunted in unit 27 with a friend and we both took great 8 pointers.We took them in the first two days of the hunt.We also saw a lot of other bucks.There is not a lot of tags for this hunt but a great hunt if you can draw one.

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