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23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

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I would have taken that as a complement, when she said there were no big bulls except bones great bull, she was just saying bones was the only big bull there was, thus calling bones bull a big bull. who cares if it was shot within 500 yards of the young road. What does it matter, there were 20 bulls right there were he shot his bull every morning. Heck we ran down that section of road a couple of mornings and almost ended up killing a 380 within 300 yards of the road.

No she/he was definitely trying to start crap with me because for some weird reason she/he likes to do that with me by suggesting I simply road hunted and killed that bull. But like you said that place was full of bulls last year. Great spot.

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Shot off the road? It ran and died by the road you idiot. Jealous because you can only go pick up their antlers?

Do you have a complex you idiot? Why do you assume i was talking about you? Guilty conscience? My gosh you are drama queen. And i just pick up antlers?You little punk my wife shed hunts, unlike you all you do is buy them. You talk crap about my wife you have another thing coming. If you've a freaking problem with me i will give my address here at the cabin and you can come settle what ever issues you have. How about you quit being a keyboard tough guy. You start crap on ever freaking post you respond to. And you know everything about everything. I am old enough to be your dad but i will still whoop your rear end.No wonder no one likes you. Your just an immature little boy.

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I am shedhunteraz's wife. To set the record straight I log on maybe twice a year to post pics of sheds. Can we get back to good old fashioned hunting/fishing/ ammo talk? You guys have more menstral cycles than any woman I've ever met. I shed hunt because I love it, that is all. Happy Hunting :)

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Shot off the road? It ran and died by the road you idiot. Jealous because you can only go pick up their antlers?

Do you have a complex you idiot? Why do you assume i was talking about you? Guilty conscience? My gosh you are drama queen. And i just pick up antlers?You little punk my wife shed hunts, unlike you all you do is buy them. You talk crap about my wife you have another thing coming. If you've a freaking problem with me i will give my address here at the cabin and you can come settle what ever issues you have. How about you quit being a keyboard tough guy. You start crap on ever freaking post you respond to. And you know everything about everything. I am old enough to be your dad but i will still whoop your rear end.No wonder no one likes you. Your just an immature little boy.
Haha uh oh think I pushed someone's buttons huh? First off what would I feel guilty about? If I shot a 370" off the road I wouldn't feel bad at all. Would much rather do that than kill it in the bottom of the canyon. Wanna know my favorite part about this? You're old enough to be my dad and you still can't help not arguing with a 24 year old. You should know better than that ;) you come back with a response as if you weren't talking about me when I know you were. If not let's hear the other forum members name that shot an elk in 23n that fits your description on where it was. We both know there isn't another person you're talking about. Hopefully wifey makes it all better for you.

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On one hand I hope I shoot a toad next to the road, on the other hand I know how 24 year olds are a pain in the AZZ know it alls too. I have one that still lives at home most of the time and i want to rip him a new one every other day. Amazing how smart the Young ones are and they aint accomplished nothin in life yet but BS. I recently quit another site cause got tired of winers and arguing. Wish all would just hunt, get along and quit jellousy and trying to impress everybody. We are all here for the love of Hunting. Sure We disagree alot but leave it at that.I horn hunt and others meat hunt, Big deal To each his own..... Now what road was that? Oh! let Me get the popcorn too...............BOB!

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Good luck, Lovinthehunt. No doubt it will be a blast. My dad and I had early rifle bull tags last year...14-yr old cousin drew the same this year on his first year ever putting in, so I'll be up with him just after you. Leave him a big one, will ya? :) The bulls were pretty vocal this past weekend, so it should be good....water everywere, so chase the bugles!!

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Gonna take the high road on this one. Congrats on the bull you shot last year. He is a big bull by any standards . I only hope to shoot one that big in my lifetime. God blesses me everyday. Hope he does the same for you. Good luck on all your future hunts bc777.

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Haha highest bidder will get the road number PM'd to them.

Lol...Guess I'll just have to wing it


look for the fresh rubs along the sides of the road...LOL!

serious though... you'll see the rub line.



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