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Non-Typical Solutions

Poltergeist Ford

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First off......the old 79 Ford sat for 2 years when gas prices started climbing. Then I pulled it out of retirement when Cole got old enough to drive a couple of years ago but this summer has just been horrible.


Starter fell out...


Drive line flew off...


Smoke in the cab from what smelled like melting wires....


Somebody stole the ash tray out of it.....


So we had it running again, Cole was driving it to school but I told him to keep it locked up all the time.


Saturday night we are all laying in bed, late night, all the sudden we hear the familiar Varuuuum.......Cole hollers at me, Dad somebody is messing with the Ford......we both go barreling out the front door in our underwear with a flashlight.


Nothing.....doors are locked on the truck......hmmmmmmm.....must have been hearing things.


Thirty minutes later.....Varuuuuum......again cept this time the truck is idling........bang out the door again.......


Nothing except my old Ford sitting there idling.......I get the keys and unlock the door, put the key in the ignition....nothing......won't turn off.....won't do anything.


We pop the hood and I disconnect the wires thinking wires are going to start melting or something I didn't know what to do,.......finally for some reason the truck just fades off and sputters to a stop.


Crazy stuff....2 days later I still don't know where to start, I haven't even popped the hood yet.......

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The only way it would start is if you send 12v to the starter solenoid or if your solenoid is bad and it is activating by itself.I would get a new one then go from there.anything else pm me old school cars are great to keep easy to work on.

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now there's another ford i could love. would fit into the driveway quite nicely with my '87 f-250 460cid that starts squirting a stream of gas out of the fuel pump weaphole every two years. as in every two years since 1989. what a pair....who'da thunk it....



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Those old fords just run and run...you can't hardly stop them! Sorry Chevy guys, it's tough to argue against the supernatural influence on this truck

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Ford made life easier for mechanics when they installed the solenoid relay on the fender wall and not on the starter. So it is easy, and cheap to replace.

I've done my fair share of mechanic work and would be happy to take a look at it. I had a 76 with a 390 so I know a little about these trucks.

If it sat for a long time and you smelt burnt wires I'd be suspecting mice have been nibbling away on the wires but you never know.

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My 76 f250 just keeps on running too.its starts up and drives no matter how long its been sitting,every single time.they are the best trucks ever made! If only mine had a 7.3 in it,it would be absolutely perfect! Mine has been in the family since it was new,so I know about the hesitation to sell....I just can't do it either! Sorry Chevy lovers....I see at least 10 times the amount of ford trucks from that era still driving around...enough said!

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The more I think about it my thoughts are it is in the ignition switch. If the solenoid was faulty it would just engage the starter. The coil needs to be hot in order for it to remain running and for both the solenoid and coil to get voltage it has to eminate back at the ignition switch.

If you can get an owners manual from Haynes they usually have the wiring diagrams in the back of the book. I don't believe those old trucks had any computers on them yet.

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