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I went out scouting this morning. It had rained yesterday so all the tracks were fresh. I could not believe how many lion tracks I saw.

I did see more illegal aliens than deer, on the way back I had to cross through areas where I had glassed aliens earlier. I get apprehensive around smuggling, ever since a run in with drug smugglers along time ago.

There are places that you shouldn't go alone.

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Sounds like you were in the Whetstones, probably the North end...lots of lions in there. I have seen mule teams in there several times so I rarely go there anymore. The unit holds some good deer, you just need to change your thinking some.

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So the mules and illegals are back in there? I spent a lot of last fall in there and saw none and the BP said it was safe in there, no activity. Changed that much in the last 8-9 months?

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