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im sure he knows that, that wasn't his point. if you feel you need to eat gluten free go for. good luck with that, im sure its really convenient and shouldn't be any problem keeping up that kind of diet for the rest of your life. just don't tell other people to eat that way.

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Did I miss something ... I did not see anyway tell anyone to eat that way ... If people are sharing their experiences and what has or is working for them and gluten free is one of the things they discuss , how is that telling another person they should eat that way? How you eat is a personal choice, and not all people get the same results from eating the same way... I have seen it mentioned, by myself and others while discussing getting healthy but not to the point I would think it was in some way telling the world to eat that way... I did not sign up for any diet .. I did the research and looked at each food group and nutritional values to come up with the things that would fit a healthier eating lifestyle for me... I researched from processed foods to Monsanto and GMO ... Nutritional values to food allergies and everything in between... it just so happens that about 80% - 90% of what I decided to do fit with the Paleo/caveman Diet ( something I had not even heard of until 3 months after making my changes) .... I would never try to suggest a person give up their Beer ( lots of gluten in that and from what I hear no good gluten free substitutes) unless they felt they could benefit from it ... I know 2 people that found their issues were from gluten because of beer drinking and how they felt ( besides buzzed or drunk) after drinking it ... To each their own and there are healthy ways to stay in shape and eat well without cutting gluten!

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Is beer gluten free?

Very few gluten free beers and I have yet to hear any good response for one that tastes good !


Lots of other spirits are gluten free ... Vodka Anybody ?

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I didn't say that you did. im just saying don't, because people will believe you. people think that taking out gluten is like the secret to fat loss when in reality it has 0 to do with it.

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Is beer gluten free?


Very few gluten free beers and I have yet to hear any good response for one that tastes good !


Lots of other spirits are gluten free ... Vodka Anybody ?


I guess im a gluten for punishment.

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Great site with ton's of good info on diet. If footnotes siting original studies, critical thinking, and digging into actual data is to much don't bother clicking the links.




Food Allergies



Does meat rot in your colon?



I bet most people have been feeling crappie for so long they don't even know it anymore.


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I have 3 kids that are gluten intolerant (Celiac) found out 8 yrs ago. I cried for bit thinking that when they are old enough I won't be able to enjoy a beer and some chicken wings while watching a game or two with them. I have done many taste tests from noodles to bread to beer. Their have been leaps and bounds from tastes on gluten free foods. I did find a beer call New Grist, I found it at Sprouts. I like it enough to drink. Not saying I'm promoting beer drinking but when the time comes my kiddos will be able to wet their whistle and it doesn't taste like skunk piss.

The only downside on gluten free foods is the friggin high costs.

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That is the only truly good gluten free beer I have found, made by Widmer. Red Bridge is made by Anhueser Busch and is gluten free, my wife actually likes this beer regardless of if it is gluten free, it is a Sorghum beer.


I have psoriasis/eczema on my hands at one point it was very bad ad hurt like the dickens, cracked and peeling hands makes hunting and fishing suck. My wife has Hashimoto's and has had most of one side of her thyroid removed after having cancer. She is supposed to be gluten and lactose free prescribed by both natropathic and MD. We try to stay off of gluten but are not celiac sufferers so we are not crazy strict.


I used to comment that people were out of control over no-gluten but I have had it explained to me by a doctor and other people that our diets in the past generations were not much like they are now. Lots of processed food and intake of one specific kind of very specifically bred wheat is extremely high in our diets (see str8shot info). Also, I kind of think there is a case that can be made that we continue to learn more about things that may cause subtle changes in our health. It sounds stupid but you can become allergic by consumption of too much of a food. My daughter at so many strawberries over a few days that she started breaking out and had to stay away from them for quite awhile.


I tend to believe it is screwed up digestion that is more of an issue than specifically gluten. Highly processed fats, refined sugar, lots of extra chemicals, and a generally crappy diet for most people wreaks havoc on your gut. Just taking enzymes can make a huge difference. If you take additional protein via shakes or bars you should take digestive enzymes with your shake. There is research showing this increases protein uptake so you don't just pass most of your shake during your next trip to the urinal.


Paleo seems to help people for a bunch of reasons but I have a tough time staying strictly to a Paleo regimen. It should make obvious sense that eating nuts, meat, and plants is a good way to maximize your health.


my random $0.02

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Guest akaspecials

I've been gluten free for about 16 years now, long before it was a fad. It completely changed my life. I went from being a fat kid with no energy to running a 4 min 32 sec mile and a 2 min 01 sec 800 meter. I have a few other allergies too (soy and dairy) and I don't eat most preservatives by choice. So I have a very limited diet and pretty much don't eat out.


For all I've been through (4 or 5 anaphylaxis and migraines for years before I discovered the allergies) I have a lot of sympathy for others with allergies or intolerance's. They suck and it completely changes your life to not be able to eat whatever you want.


HOWEVER, the amount of people that go gluten free or have "allergies" as a fad really frustrate me. Their bullshit makes people discount real allergies and treat them as a joke. I know multiple people that have been diagnosed with Celiacs that throw a fit if people have gluten within 10 yards of them; having Celiacs disease doesn't mean you can't breath it, it means you can't eat it... Stop being a drama queen...

I never expect anyone to accommodate my diet or change their habits because of mine... So long story short, there are without a doubt folks out there that have serious issues and diet can solve those issues. People that are in it for the fad though really damage the credibility of the ones of us that have serious allergies...


If anyone has serious allergies or Celiacs, feel free to pm if you have any questions or need decent recipes. I've lived with them most of my life and would be happy to help out.

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