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WMAT Elk Hunts

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So I have been lurking for while and recently joined this fantastic forum. A bit about myself. I moved to southern AZ about 8 years ago from Ohio. Since moving out west, I have rekindled my passion for hunting. I have found that western hunting is much more challenging, yet more rewarding than back east. I primarily archery hunt, but will never pass on a rifle or muzzleloader tag!


I didnt draw anything from AZ or NM this year, so here I sit with only a handful of OTC tags and a desire to hunt. My question is regarding the west end archery cow/spike tags on the White Mountain Apache Tribe Reservation. With only 70 tags, are these tough to draw since they switched from first come first served? Has anyone done this hunt before and, if so, what was your experience like?


$380 is a somewhat bitter pill to swallow, but my expectations would be to possibly fill the freezer, see some nice elk, and gain some more experience hunting elk in general. If nothing else, it will be good practice for when I draw my unit 9 early archery tag next year! ;)


Any exerience or input would be greatly appreciated.

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Can be a difficult hunt depending on weather. If there's snow or heavy rains the roads get real bad real quick. No UTV or ATV allowed. Elk are getting into their normal wintering grounds. Lots of folks out during the hunt.


Yes they are difficult to draw and its not a guarantee elk in the freezer.

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It can be a tougher hunt. Most of the area is in the burned area. It's also a longer hunt than usual so if you have the time you'll obviously increase your odds. The one time I put in for it we had 3 people put in and 2 drew tags so I'd say it's fairly decent draw odds. Both tags went unfilled but there were a couple of missed opportunities. A lot of access points off of the rim road. Remember there is no scouting aloud except for a couple days before the hunt which you have to buy a seperate permit for. I would def do it again. Especially from what I learned the first time.

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I've thought about putting in for this hunt as well. Maybe next year. When is the draw deadline?

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I know many that hunt the cow/spike on the res for both archery and rifle... they do not usually have any issues getting a tag... For a little more you can also get the Archery Rag horn DIY hunts( $500 + $5 ) ... A good friend has been able to do this hunt 2 out of last 3 years and harvested on both trips... I think their group of 6 got 5 last year ... If you are going for the meat in the freezer and want to hunt , the WMAT cow/spike hunts are the way to go. The late affiliate hunt is first come first serve, I believe it is sept 5th this year at the Hon Dah Game and fish office. That late hunt is fun and can be very rewarding but be prepared for the cold and varied weather.

As for what El Diablo said on the scouting, the hunt is plenty long and the Elk are not that hard to find, I have assisted my dad and his friends on this hunt 7 times and they have about 80% success, but also had opportunities on every hunt to harvest.

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Coues79, el diablo, and str8shot, thanks for the input! Big browns, I believe the application deadline is august 22.

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Just put in my apps last night..can be a tough hunt, just gotta make the best of it. Hopefully the weather is good to us. Make sure you've done hunters ed. too, you have to show proof when you put in.

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They have been getting harder and harder to draw each year (used to be over the counter even) since folks won't quit taking about them on hunting forums. If you go and have a good time, then you may want to keep that in mind.

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They have been getting harder and harder to draw each year (used to be over the counter even) since folks won't quit taking about them on hunting forums. If you go and have a good time, then you may want to keep that in mind.

That's true. I did a few when they were over the counter and you were able to hunt the better parts of the res. the last year they offered the tags over the counter my cousin and I had to spend the night in front of the G&F office in Whiteriver just to get tags. The few years before that you could just walk in and buy them for a coupla weeks til they sold out.

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They have been getting harder and harder to draw each year (used to be over the counter even) since folks won't quit taking about them on hunting forums. If you go and have a good time, then you may want to keep that in mind.

Yep, i wish posts like this didnt pop up, but you cant do anything about it i guess...

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My intentions for starting this thread were certainly not to reveal any secret hunts. I have heard guys talking about these WMAT hunts for many years, yet I had not talked to anyone who had actually done one. Hence my questions. Unfortunately in todays social media driven world, information is spread more quickly than we would like and everything quickly becomes public knowledge. Coupled with the ever increasing popularity in western hunting and tags become increasingly difficult to obtain. Heck, look at how fast the leftover deer tags went this year! I do miss the days as a younger man where hunting information was shared over a beer sitting on a tailgate. Anyway, thanks for the input and good luck on your hunts this year.

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You have nothing to feel bad about. Good luck in the draw if you decide to give it a go. Be sure to post up your stories and some pics.

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Not trying to make you feel bad, just commenting on why you never hear guys talking about them. Once you get hooked on them and then end up without a tag one year, you'll understand. I know of at least 7 guys from this forum who hunt it, and not one of us has ever reported on it or posted any photos.


If you get a tag, send me a PM. I'm more than happy to share information...in private. :-)

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