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They look good but you need the level on the scope itself. I like the Tubb Levels sleek and smooth.

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The way I do it is mount level on rail to level gun and action then put a builders level on the block wall in back yard then mount scope and also scope level and level cross hairs to the level on the wall keeping all levels true X3. Make any sense? Maybe I need one more level. LOL

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I level the base with a magnetic level, then I hang a plumb at 50 to 100 yards. I then set up the gun facing the plumb and leave the rings loose, while the scope is in the rings i level the scope with the plumb making sure the level on the gun remains level. I then tighten the tubb level on the scope so it is perfectly vertical with the plumb string I then proceed to tighten the rings making sure all levels line up with each other and double checking the plumb line with the levels. When all ring screws are torqued to 15 inch lbs then I remove 1 screw at a time and apply locktight. You can then do a tall target test at EXACTLY 100 yards (you need a large ground tape to measure 100 yards) to verify your cross hairs are tracking properly and to make sure you vertical line in your scope is truley vertical. You have to level the line on target too. Get the Applied ballistics dvd it will explain the tall target test.

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