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Monday Check in

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Shred bro. Being shredded isn't everything, it's the only thing.

i love when the naturally skinny get into a fatt guy thread. I love you trphyhuntr! I've been hitting the micro's hard as he!l the past month, only having macro's after I hike around the house. I'm still fat bro, what gives?



Are you trolling me?

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Dropped off a pile of clothes for Goodwill yesterday. With the current condition of American humans I'm sure there's a full-figured 36/38 inch waist guy who can use them.


200.4 today - that's a full 45lb loss from the starting point. As of this morning I officially get to leave this thing behind.




I'm curious how much actual fat I lost. I'm sure it's more than 45, I just never did the dunk thing to know for certain. One more 35lb plate to go and I'll be all the way back. I'll definitely have another 15 off by December 1st. As for my friends (some of them reading here) who tell me "you'll be too skinny" . Whatever - we'll see. I strongly believe that's incorrect.

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Healy.....that is awesome....you gotta feel 45 lbs better.


I did something to my right elbow it is all inflamed, probably doing those dang push ups....so I worked out on the tread mill this morning and will do so until I get this elbow straightened out. I really don't care for the treadmill but for now it will have to do.


No reportable weight loss for me :( but today we start Jr. High wrestling season so it will start to come off :)

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No loss this week , but from what I hear, that is somewhat common when starting creatine and upping workouts.. Was a good weekend out hiking the hills and putting eyes on several nice bucks for the upcoming hunt !!! Do not think I will hit my target before the hunt, but endurance and strength is well improved... Should still be able to hit my 195 goal by the time Spartan comes around. !!!

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Looks like some highly motivated individuals putting it togeather. Very nice. I had an off week and didn't workout until Friday. Made a 4 miler then packed up for 3 days at sheep's crossing with 6 teenagers. I am so sore I had to sit down to put my socks on. Many miles hiking and jogging miXxed in with several miles of kayak paddling and even a few rope swings. You name it we did it. Now for a long Monday at work and let's see if I can talk the body into a short run tonight.

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I'm a few days late I guess. I am at 224 now, that's 40 down from July 4th. Got about 20 to go. Threw on my pack and walked to the bow shop yesterday, 11.56 miles. Did it in 3 hours, 1 minute. Pretty spent, but when the wife and kids wanted to go out for a walk after church last night, I said why not? Made another 3.19 but at a much slower pace. Feeling better than I have in years and don't want to stop. The wife's vacation ideas have changed from going somewhere to relax and eat to now she's researching hiking trails that we can do as a family. She's down 30 and my 7 year old is down almost 15 since we started this 3 months ago. Hard to believe we had let ourselves go that much, but it's a lesson we don't want to relearn.

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I've been doing Insanity for a week and it's convinced me I'm in worse shape than I thought. I'm all in, I've cut out all soda, alcohol and trying to severely limit the caffeine and sugar.

I'd like to drop 20lbs to be lean and mean by Dec archery season.

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Still pounding the treadmill......too many trips to the valley this week chasing football and grandkids, those late night drives home kill my eating disorder :rolleyes: still hanging in there.


That insanity will open your eyes....it certainly did mine can't wait to get back to insanity.....

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Gained a little back from what i lost elk hunting but lost it again packing my boys pigs out this weekend.

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Sound like we all had the same week, I didnt do much at all. I ate well but exercise was reserved for the mules and a bunch of worked hours. Looking forward to a better week this week.

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I'm calling this check in "The Power of Food"


I went on a week's vacation to Vancouver Island and gave myself an open ticket to eat and drink anything I wanted.


Net gain in weight: 2.5lbs - not bad considering the caloric intake, the sugary deserts, the beer, fish cooked in butter, the burgers, the fried food, etc. That would have been a 8-10lb gain without good metabolism.


However! Note to self: never do that again. My time in the gym this morning nearly felt like week number one when I got back on track several months ago. Out of energy. Out of breath. Same circuit training stuff from the week before vacation, just ZERO go power. Good Lord.. Fortunately I'll bounce right back with a natural food detox and extra extra treadmill time.


Cheat day occasionally - YES

Cheat Week - NO - worst idea in a long time


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Broke 200lbs today. Goal is 180 by the end of the year. Eating good, trying not to drink calories period. Finished week 2 of insanity.

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Broke 200lbs today. Goal is 180 by the end of the year. Eating good, trying not to drink calories period. Finished week 2 of insanity.

That's it man, shreds are going to appear soon.

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