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Monday Check in

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ive been following an intermittent fasting lately. been working pretty good for me. I basically just don't eat till I get home late in the evening, and then I gorge myself to near death until bed time. when I wake up im not really hungry in the slightest, then I drink a lot crystal light and coffee all day.


I picked up one of those bodyfat testers at the gym and it said I was 10.8%. not sure if they are accurate at all but if I had to guess I would have said 11 so pretty close I think. still have at least 8 weeks left till im where I want to be.

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A couple weeks ago I dropped under 200 for the first time since college. Saturday I stepped on the scale at the gym and saw something I had honestly given up on ever achieving again 188.5 lbs. the first time I have been under 190 since I got married 9-1/2 yrs ago.

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A couple weeks ago I dropped under 200 for the first time since college. Saturday I stepped on the scale at the gym and saw something I had honestly given up on ever achieving again 188.5 lbs. the first time I have been under 190 since I got married 9-1/2 yrs ago.


That's gotta feel great! Congratulations!

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Don't know if chasing "Goats" around the mountains qualifies, But we did have fun and got a descent workout as well trying some predator calling.

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The weekend is really the key to dieting. Pretty easy to throw away the weeks worth of progress in a couple days if you're not careful. I've been lazy as heck lately, fish and chips and kilt lifters

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Try having 4 days a week off!!!!

Man I have been fighting a nasty cold this last week, I still made a few runs but my whole plan is off. No train to hunt for me this year.

I also managed to throw myself on the ground and bruise some ribs so sneezing is all the workout I need. LOL

I think Wed I am going to do some baitcaster curls with my dad then maybe I can swim for a bit and get it moving again.

I really miss going to the gym a few days a week but my new schedule doesnt fit with the gym.

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Try having 4 days a week off!!!!

Man I have been fighting a nasty cold this last week, I still made a few runs but my whole plan is off. No train to hunt for me this year.

I also managed to throw myself on the ground and bruise some ribs so sneezing is all the workout I need. LOL

I think Wed I am going to do some baitcaster curls with my dad then maybe I can swim for a bit and get it moving again.

I really miss going to the gym a few days a week but my new schedule doesnt fit with the gym.

Yes I think I may sneak down to the golf course pond for a quick bite. And yeah I'm not going to train to hunt, I'm going to country thunder and putting in work

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Man I'm feelin great, I ran yesterday just to see how far I could go. My knee started acting up a little so I headed home. Got in my car and clocked the distance at 4.3 miles. Wonderful news for me, I could barely run a mile 3 months ago

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Still under 190 this week and last week several of my 4+ mile runs were at a 7:30/mile pace. The craziest thing was my blood pressure. Every year for insurance we have to do a wellness check. Last year my blood pressure was 121/82. This year; 112/62.

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Try having 4 days a week off!!!!

Man I have been fighting a nasty cold this last week, I still made a few runs but my whole plan is off. No train to hunt for me this year.

I also managed to throw myself on the ground and bruise some ribs so sneezing is all the workout I need. LOL

I think Wed I am going to do some baitcaster curls with my dad then maybe I can swim for a bit and get it moving again.

I really miss

going to the gym a few days a week but my new schedule doesnt fit with the gym.


Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me! Get of the couch! Lol

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Very true. If you didn't have that early elk tag you wouldn't be so cocky. Lol

I did eek out a 3 miler last night with bruised ribs and a 12 hour shift at work and a cold. Rfp

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I've been hitting the weights pretty hard. I've been trying to go 4 or 5 times a week, just depending on what the schedule with the wife and kids is. Been hitting legs hard, but not so much hitting the cardio. Only about 10 minutes a day. The problem has been my diet. I haven't really been wathing what Ive been eating at all and currently my weight is up around 305#. But, the good thing about it is my arms, legs and shoulders/traps are bigger/stouter then they have been in quite a while.


Bad news? I haven't had to punch extra holes in my belt.

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Im glad you guys are staying after it. Ive been working so much the last couple months, i cant afford to sleep much less anything else. Thought i could see the light at the end, but then got offered another hot project for twice the normal consulting fee.. guess the exercise can wait another week or two.

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Im glad you guys are staying after it. Ive been working so much the last couple months, i cant afford to sleep much less anything else. Thought i could see the light at the end, but then got offered another hot project for twice the normal consulting fee.. guess the exercise can wait another week or two.

If you can get 30 minutes a day that's all you need. I was late for work today and did a decent chest workout in about 17 minutes, flat bench, incline, dips. Not much of a workout but every littler bit counts. I doubt many in this thread has a lot of free time.

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