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North kaibab off road travel and habitat stamp?

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I have an archery deer tag this year in kaibab, and can't seem to find anything about if off road travel restrictions are in effect up there. If anyone could let me know if camping and off road restrictions are in effect up there it would be appreciated. Also do they still require a habitat stamp to hunt in the kaibab? Thanks.

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A Kaibab Habitat stamp is no longer required. They stuck everybody with a habitat fee when we apply for a hunt whether we draw the tag or not. Kaibab National Forest as well as the rest of the Forests did extensive Travel Management planning. My understanding is that limited cross country travel is allowed only on certain routes.


Here is a URL to the route map for North Kaibab:




Good Luck, have fun, and please let us know how it goes when you return from your hunt.

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Off road travel is not allowed for the recovery of deer from all that I have read. Bring a frame pack.

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