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$37,000.00 Appendix?

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A big part of the problem is the law that says a hospital cannot refuse to treat a patient. I bought my business 13 years ago and was told all employees were legal and had I-9 in the files. I found out two were illegal and got rid of them a year later. One went back to Mexico but he and his wife had $80000 in surgery/hospital costs in one year and all free. Someone else had to pay for that. We never really see the actual costs of that sort of care and it is mind blowing.

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We were headed to Oklahoma State for a wrestling camp this summer.


He started hurting bad by the time we hit Albuquerque so we stopped and found a hospital.


Less that 24 hours later we were headed on to Oklahoma, Cole wouldn't be able to wrestle but he still wanted to go watch and film.


He got to spend quality time visiting with John Smith.


We got the bill yesterday........$37,000.00.............WHAT??????


Don't get me wrong, I am glad they took care of Cole but really? That is almost equivalent to my yearly salary.


We did have insurance but WOW........crazy stuff right there, $37,000.00................


Monopoly money. Billed charges from a hospital = bogus charges. The insurance is probably contracted to pay about 30% or 11K. The hospital writes off the difference between the 37 and the 11 for tax purposes. You will be responsible for 30% of the 11 or about 3K. be glad you had insurance. who knows how much of the 37 the hospital would have gone after you for.

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Healthcare is such a rip off here in the states, we pay the most out of any other developed nation for it, and there are more malpractice cases and deaths than other countries have with healthcare that cost less. We can thank affirmative action for producing mediocre doctors.

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Without Tort reform and Keeping laws that limit any real competition with insurance companies ... this is how it is ... That and the additional 40+ % on the new Obama Care which were actually Medicade/welfare ... Lawyers... Lobbyists and Politicians and the Bad Laws they create are what kills many and why so Many that work and pay their insurance still can not afford to get sick !

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My wife's appendix surgery 5 years ago cost more then that I believe. I want to say hers was $42,000 or something stupid. We didn't even stay in the hospital overnight. She went in at 5am and was released at about 7pm.

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