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Guest wdenike


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Guest wdenike

Anybody else able to confirm. Fact or fiction???





Take care, Willie

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Truth. According to dcourier anyway.

I have a feeling there will be a few around here living by the shoot, shovel and shut up model


Quote:"The Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club and Wild Earth Guardians issued news releases that support the wolf expansion area but criticize the expansion of criteria to kill the endangered wolves"


These folks are as stupid as they come and the state is letting them influence the outcomes of our wildlife populations. They won't learn until the wolves expand and start growing too rapidly to control and deer herds diminish even more. And even then they will still remain too emotionally intoxicated and in love with the wolf to understand the problem. My guess is they'll drop the wolves right in the middle of antelope country in 19A. Morons.

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Guest wdenike

end goal, reduce the game populations to the point we can no longer hunt them thus ending hunting






You have them figured out!!! But you also probably figure out what ever quarry you hunt or put steel on the ground to trap. ( Heath care was just the beginning ). Amazing how so many allow a bunch of empty suits to cram unwanted things down the throats of citizens. And ashamed that on hunting sites when people expose these tyrants. All ya hear is crickets.




Take care, Willie

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Link to the Draft EIS and fact sheet that should confirm that the USFWS wants to spread wolves in unlimited numbers across the State of Arizona. If this goes through they will be placing wolves in a greatly expanded area. There is a provision that will take affect if AZ ungulate herds decrease by 35%.

The Arizona Elk Society and other groups, counties, reservations, cattle growers and more are working to limit this plan but since it is the Feds it is an uphill battle.

Steve Clark



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end goal, reduce the game populations to the point we can no longer hunt them thus ending hunting






"You have them figured out!!! But you also probably figure out what ever quarry you hunt or put steel on the ground to trap. ( Heath care was just the beginning ). Amazing how so many allow a bunch of empty suits to cram unwanted things down the throats of citizens. And ashamed that on hunting sites when people expose these tyrants. All ya hear is crickets."


Hunters, sportsmen and sportswomen, Hunting in the U.S. is under attack.

I attended a meeting in the AZ Senate years ago and there was a representative from HSUS there. His quote to the audience at the urging of an AZ Senator was "the ultimate goal of the HSUS is to do away with sport hunting as you know it today, it may not happen in my lifetime but that is the goal of the HSUS"


Until hunters and sportsmen stand up, speak up and unite to fight these types of issues we will always be at the mercy of groups like HSUS, CBD, Defenders of Wildlife and others. They are very organized, have lots of money and a long term plan. The AZ Legislature will stand behind the hunters and sportsmen ONLY if we let them know IN MASS that this is an important issue. The legislators need to hear from their constituents. Slim is right that all we do is chirp like a cricket and then when the light comes on we shut up.



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I will help by putting as many as I can on a fur strecher.They should be prime around dec.

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Guest wdenike

Bad news for our herds. How does it get stopped?








All I will say is one just has to look at the blatant disregard for the will of the people on display with no shame nor fear. Than understand that our fore fathers would have been done shooting by now. And just maybe the answer lies with in this post. It would be a small start, but at least a start.



Take care, Willie

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Bad news for our herds. How does it get stopped?

  • FInd a group that is actively fighting this like the AES and others and join.
  • Be ready for ACTION. If a call goes out that a certain Legislator, the Feds or someone that can help move us forward needs to hear from you THEN SPEAK UP AND GET INVOLVED.
  • Create a common message and flood the decision makers with that message, get your friends , family and as many people as you can to comment and send messages. NUMBERS are very important. We currently have a message and have drawn a line in the sand that many of the groups and agencies feel will lead to State control and will protect the herds here in AZ while contributing to the recovery. The plan is defensible. We must be able to defend the plan.
  • Help groups that are involved in protecting the herds and hunting raise funds. Litigating and fighting these types of issues is expensive.
  • One of the keys is the common message. We must create a plan that will contribute to the recovery without destroying the herds in AZ. There is not an option that the USFWS will stop the plan to recover the MGW so the defense of "NO WOLVES" is not an option. At that point you will have no standing and nobody will listen.
  • If a group starts a campaign to rewrite the ESA then join them in the fight.
  • If a group starts a campaign to rewrite the Fund for Equal Justice then join them in the fight. This is the tool that the pro wolf people use to litigate.
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I'm no expert in identifying wolf's or coyotes but I hunt 18B and 17A alot and I've come across 2 animals that I swear were wolf's. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up after seeing them then hear a howl that was no coyote!!!!!



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What the heck lets bring back grizzlies, sabre tooth cats and velociraptors too.

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Aren't those zones around Prescott in decline as far as the deer herd goes already? Why put more predation on them other than for an anti-hunting agenda?

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