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2013 Archery Bull Elk Early hunt and my first elk

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Was that an elk shed you walked by from 1:17-1:22? It's hard tell for sure, but it looks like one.



Now that I look at it again, it definitely looks like a shed. Goes to show you how locked in on the bull I was AND how easy it can be to walk right by those things.

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Great job! Love hearing the elk stories!

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The smile on your face in your photo says it all (excellent photo by the way)! Congratulations on your success! I also killed my first elk with archery gear and I am totally hooked. Hope your success continues. Thanks for sharing.

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Nice bull. Don't worry about not seeing the shed. I just about stepped on one a couple years ago that my son picked up behind me while we were turkey hunting. I'm sure you had other things on your mind like killing that bull.

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