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When do Bugles Start? Scouting ideas

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My real question, when do you normally start hearing bugles? When you hear pre-rut/early calendar bugles are they only early morning or more after dark??


First year hunting bulls. Hunting 16A, low density elk area, but have found some pockets of elk and a shooter or two but i'm still trying to expand my scouting area and add some backup plans in case A and B don't work out. Wondering if I'll be able to hear anything in my scouting before the hunt starts in Sept. I've been out probably 10 times since the draw, and never heard anything. Is there a correlation between velvet drop and bulging? When do the mature bulls start dropping velvet?


Thanks all

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bulls won't really bugle until a few weeks after they lose their velvet. they might make some noises sometimes, but they aren't by any means rutting. velvet should start coming off in the next week or two, and bulls will start looking for cows about the first week of september, with the best part of the rut being in mid to late september

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Ive seen them full on rutting in mid august and as late as mid november...tough to say. Just get out there and listen towards the end of august.

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I read an article awhile ago that had mentioned this year the cows should start to go into estrus near the new moon phase in sep around 23 or 24th. Don't know how true but very interesting article. will have to mark my calendar to compare this year to last

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Of course trophyhunter knows everything. I'd stick with his knowledge

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Lol que? Plz find a member on this forum that thinks they won't be bugling before the third week in September. Second time in a week you've talked trash to me, you getting a crush?

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Here we go key board courage after a few drinks. I forgot your a trophy hunter. Pardon me

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You should be OK. Now with that said a few years ago the rut took off late in September and the Archery Guy's were having a heck of a time.

Just keep going out and watching them from as far away as you can.

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Here we go key board courage after a few drinks. I forgot your a trophy hunter. Pardon me


Chill out. This is Sneaker's post so let's keep it on topic shall we. Take it off line.

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Guest akaspecials

I've heard bugles in June, July and August. But bugles don't mean anything until the rut starts. A few years ago a guy gave me some great advice on another forum that has proved true this far: "When it is time.....the big bulls will show up and the little bulls will be heart broken." Anyone who can tell you the exact date or time of the rut and bugling patterns can probably tell you what the the stock market will do tomorrow. And let me tell you, that person is full of crap...


Keep scouting and keep track of the cows.

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Heard enough bugles at revelry,

I need more cowbells.............

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