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Helicopter rental?

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Fixed wing will give just as much info for a lot less money. Don't see anything wrong using this method to learn an area. water, access and camping. It doesn't beat boots on the ground but helps you decide where to spend the most time walking. As mentioned make sure the pilot is watching where he's going instead of what's on the ground. There are a lot of cables across canyons and power lines out there.



I did see an ultralight flying on opening day of Elk in 5BN one year. Called him in to G&F but don't know if they caught him.

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Maybe do a ride along with G&F during surveys. What unit are you wanting to fly over? I have a family member in Springerville with a small plane.

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planes, helicopters, parachute planes, ultra lights, drones.


spot lights, night vision, thermal imaging.


they have all been used and are still being used. probably comes down to how much money you have and how much money you are willing to spend.

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it would cost more but the info you would get and stuff you would see would be huge. i have a little over 1500 hours crewing helocopters and you can see TONS of stuff.

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I had a heli buzz and run off some elk

I was watching in 19a on a cow hunt a couple years ago.

Reported it but they told me not to worry

it was theirs.

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I'm sure it's out of my budget but I'm curious. What's it cost to have a chopper take you up and scout? Not necessarily for critters but more for water, locations for spike camps, etc?


your looking at roughly $550/hr for charter(helicopter's time from its base to you, location, then back to base) plus survey time.

regular stuff (Bell 206) is gonna run you around $900/hr, if you want to get real close to the ground, its going to be closer to $1300 like Mike Priest said .

For a full day of surveys, your in right around $7k. :o

Fixed wing is a lot cheaper, charters should run you in the neighborhood of $300-500/hr


I think your better off in a fixed wing with a skilled pilot if your trying to learn a unit, anything lower than 300 AGL and your missing the "big picture"

if you want to identify individuals, then copter is the way to go.


The cost with copters is really tied into the maintenance (not just fuel), they are costly torn down, and rebuilt.


Either way you split it, its still more than good pair of boots and a few weeks off work!

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I was looking into some hunting in New Zeeland just for the heck of it, I saw a show on youtube about it and I have friends there with an empty house so was just dreaming. They do alot of Heli drops over there and they run 1200 an hour. Basically 4500. airfair 9000. hunt fee and then 2400 for chopper to take you in deep for 2 animals. Rich mans sport.

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I figured it was costly, mor of a curiosity than anything else. Thanks for the responses.


Ha! beer30 curiousity can get dangerous and pricey! Better jot down thought and review in morning.. sounds fun though. need 1 of the big white United Nations choppers and we can all ride along! :) in all seriousness everybody should go for at least 1 ride in Helo.. you will either love it or hate it, I personally love love love it!

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I figured it was costly, mor of a curiosity than anything else. Thanks for the responses.

Ha! beer30 curiousity can get dangerous and pricey! Better jot down thought and review in morning.. sounds fun though. need 1 of the big white United Nations choppers and we can all ride along! :) in all seriousness everybody should go for at least 1 ride in Helo.. you will either love it or hate it, I personally love love love it!

for us with "special feet" like you and I, that per hour cost isn't much more than a good pair of redwings!!
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I've had my eye on a large piece of very landlocked state land within a big ranch that I've thought about having someone drop me into someday. Not sure of the legality of it though. I've got friends who do the same in Montana. They have about $1500 into the round trip but slipt between three guys its not bad.

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I've had my eye on a large piece of very landlocked state land within a big ranch that I've thought about having someone drop me into someday. Not sure of the legality of it though. I've got friends who do the same in Montana. They have about $1500 into the round trip but slipt between three guys its not bad.


The landowner does not own the airspace just make sure you have airlift out with your harvest.

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Private property doesn't own the airspace. I like the idea.

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