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I recently got a new string put on my bow and shot it for the first time last night. I noticed that my peep was rotating slightly on the draw. I got a new string to keep this from happening. I am still pretty green when it comes to bow hunting, so I thought I would ask you guys, is there a "break-in" time for a new string or should I take it back to the archery shop?

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Yes there is a break in time for a new string to settle. If it's a good quality string, you should be able to just put a few dozen shots through it, take it back, have them line up your peep and d-loop, and you'll be good to go!

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Shoot it until it stops moving then take it back to have them reset it. When I install a string I always tell people to shoot for a few weeks then bring it back to me and I'll fix the peep. Unless I can shoot it myself for a while it's going to turn as the string settles. Even the best string in the world needs a few shots to even out the twists and settle in the cams.

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Buy an America's best string and you won't ever have that problem! My peep hasn't twisted once since it was put on 2 years ago.

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I agree there is a breakin.but he has only shot it once.a good string like winners choice won't stretch much in 1 evening of shooting.

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I agree there is a breakin.but he has only shot it once.a good string like winners choice won't stretch much in 1 evening of shooting.

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It might help to take a felt-tip pen and make a tic mark on either side of the centerline of the peep, on the string. That way you can see if it is moving, and have a witness mark if you need to get the serving tightened up. Also, did you keep your old string and cables for a spare set? Agree with the other posters, you should have everything settled in after 50 - 100 arrows or so.



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+ 1 ....we recommend 100 shots,then bring it back for a follow up..easily remedied by a half or so twist in the press...and realign the loop also..great topic though!! Thanks for posting up..

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Shot again last night and it seemed to be rotating a little less. I am gonna put another 100-200 arrows through it to see where it ends up. From the looks of it I'll still need to adjust my D-loop regardless. Thanks for everyone's input!

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It might help to take a felt-tip pen and make a tic mark on either side of the centerline of the peep, on the string. That way you can see if it is moving, and have a witness mark if you need to get the serving tightened up. Also, did you keep your old string and cables for a spare set? Agree with the other posters, you should have everything settled in after 50 - 100 arrows or so.




This is a good point I didn't think of. If it wasn't tied in properly it might not be the string twisting but the peep moving up or down on the string.

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It might help to take a felt-tip pen and make a tic mark on either side of the centerline of the peep, on the string. That way you can see if it is moving, and have a witness mark if you need to get the serving tightened up. Also, did you keep your old string and cables for a spare set? Agree with the other posters, you should have everything settled in after 50 - 100 arrows or so.




This is a good point I didn't think of. If it wasn't tied in properly it might not be the string twisting but the peep moving up or down on the string.


The peep is tied in really well and no I didn't keep the old string.

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If your string is still rotating after a 100 shots or so something is wrong with the string. Buy yourself a 60x string set. They make fantastic strings and cables and are gaurenteed to have no strech or creep. Or you get another set for free

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