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I'm looking to get a rangefinder. Straight answers are hard to find.

I can not afford european quality, don't go there. I want to range out to 600 yards. I'm looking at the nikon 1000 riflehunter and prostaff 7. The Bushnell arc 1000 &1300 and vortex 1000.

Tell me your experiences and what you know.


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Leupold RX-1000I TBR W/DNA runs in high $300's and has treated me very well. I've never had trouble ranging anything less than 650 yards and have ranged objects on most days to the high 700's.


I have a had a couple hunting buddy's that have had issues with them, 1 self induced and the other unknown, but Leupold warrantied and quickly shipped back both rangefinders providing great customer service.

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Leupold RX-1000I TBR W/DNA runs in high $300's and has treated me very well. I've never had trouble ranging anything less than 650 yards and have ranged objects on most days to the high 700's.


I have a had a couple hunting buddy's that have had issues with them, 1 self induced and the other unknown, but Leupold warrantied and quickly shipped back both rangefinders providing great customer service.


Yup. I like mine. A huge improvement over the older models. I compared the Leupold to the Vortex and liked the Leupold better.

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vortex 1000 is great, and cant beat price. If your on west side send me a pm...i have vortex 1000, leica 1600b, nikon 550. You can try them out, I'm in waddell

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Riflehunter 550 I know you said 600 but if you can give up 50 yards for the price it can't be beat IMO and you can find them used fairly cheap

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+1 for Leupold 1000. Good to about 700 off hand and have hit 1004 off the tripod

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Basspro is going to have the Leupold 1000i wDNA for sale next month at $299. Saw it in their Fall Classic flyer. That's a great buy!

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Basspro is going to have the Leupold 1000i wDNA for sale next month at $299. Saw it in their Fall Classic flyer. That's a great buy!



Thanks for the info. I had to check to see if it was a TBR. Great deal!



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One more vote for the rx1000. I have the old version without DNA and it's never let me down. I like how small it is too, fits nice in a shirt pocket.

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I bought a Bushnell truth for 150 new and it ranges to 550 for me pretty darn well,has the angle compensation,and has worked perfectly so far,but I've only had it about 6 months.seems pretty great for the price

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Just bought the RX1000 TBR from Cabelas today. On sale for 299 plus I had a 10% off coupon. I played around with one during the Ben Avery Expo a few months ago and I think I'll enjoy using this for many years.

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Just bought the RX1000 TBR from Cabelas today. On sale for 299 plus I had a 10% off coupon. I played around with one during the Ben Avery Expo a few months ago and I think I'll enjoy using this for many years.

I just got mine too from Cabelas except with a $20 off coupon. Sounds like you got a little better deal. I was going to buy the Bushnell Scout 1000DX, but I couldn't pass up this deal

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