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How Many Points for 22 or 23 Dec WT Will It Take?

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So, I was fortunate enough to hunt mulies during December back in 2007 up 12AW on the Kaibab. I have, since then, been applying for a december WT tag in 22 or 23... Every Year... Since 2007... This is starting to suck.


How many points will it take?


Last year you would have been guaranteed 22 with 9 points if you were a resident. This year it would have been slightly better because the tag numbers were doubled, so maybe 30% odds with 8 points?


If you have really been putting in every year since 2007, without missing a year, without drawing another tag, then you should have had at least 9 points this year as long as you did your part and got your hunters education in order. Either the amount of high-point holding residents drastically changed, or you didn't have 9 points.



As of right now, according to the updated bonus point, I have 7 species point, 1 loyalty, and one hunters ed. So I had 8 going into the draw this year. either way, it feels like a long time to go without rifle hunting for deer. I may do a leftover, I just do not have the experience with any of the southern units. It may just be archery again this year - there are worse things.

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the sad thing is, me and several of my buds would draw unit 23 late rifle tags every year until the late 90's and then the trophy deal got put in. might have been early 00's but either way, I switched to bow with the weather patterns, much more fun, lots of action and just a good hunt. hang in there. if the weather predications are even close, it could be very interesting this go around.


good luck

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3 of my friends drew 24B late wt hunt with 0 points and the same 3 drew 5A archery bull September rut hunt with 0 points as well. Go figure!



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My wife drew it last year with 7bp then drew 12BW late this year with only loyalty and hunter safety bp you never now

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I think you could draw the tag with 0 points, just as fast as having 8 points, you are one of the lucky ones that draws good tags every year or you are one of the unlucky ones like myself that cant draw a leftover tag. I know guys that draw strip tags back to back and guys that draw prime elk tags 5 years straight. Hopefully you get it next year and the year after that to make up for the long wait

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