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Big Browns

40B Junior Pheasant Hunt

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Well we didn't draw Deer, but my son drew his first tag ever. He go the Sept 12-18 Junior Pheasant Hunt. We know nothing about the area. Does anyone know of a good guide we could hire for a few days or anyone willing to show us some birds????????


Any help would greatly be appreciated...



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Congrats on the draw luck. I've never had that tag. I always seem to forget to put in although I have plenty of times and never got lucky. Anyhow...


I'm Yuma native. I see a few birds every year on my way to work. I would be happy to take a morning to drive around and show you some areas. I would recommend coming over for the dove hunt so you can hunt doves and scout pheasants. I am not aware of anyone that guides for this hunt.



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I have hunted that hunt a few times, PM me if you want.

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