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Last Day Pig Success

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I was just about to give up this morning and make some tag soup, when I spotted a small heard of pigs. I didn't make the best shot I've ever made, so I watched him bed up, and went to work for a while. (luckily, my boss is a bow hunter and understands these things!) I came back a few hours later and found him pretty fast. Thanks to my buds Mike and Mike for helping me take care of him! Thank you Lord for blessing me with a successful hunt!



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Good job bowsniper. Way to stick with it.

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You know the good Lord must smile when a bow hunter thanks Him for being able to harvest a Javelina. Some of us may scratch our heads about it but the heart of a humble hunter is something to smile upon.


Congrats Mark.

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Love the picture Mark. Congrates on your harvest. Mind if I use that pose if I fill my HAM tag



My buds Mike and Mike set me up on the photo. Put the pig on a boulder so you can see his full size, and prop open his mouth with a stick so you can see the evil teeth. The only thing we didn't do was the Chuck Adams wide angle trick.



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Congrats. I also scored on my last day (1/24). Made a perfect double lung shot on a quartering pig, but it was at 8 yards so who could miss?!


This is where he dropped.




This is me & my girlfriends boy. He wasn't there for the shot, but helped on recovery.



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Congrats on the piggie. Always good to see another one on the ground

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