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Guest oneshot

Close the Border

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Guest oneshot
Compassion and Love of humanity are both wonderfull traits, but much of our liberal population is mis-guided and off track concerning our illegal immigration problem.

Pres. obama pledged $93million to Guat, El sal and Hondo to assist them in stopping gang violence and poverty that are "causing" this problem.

"Creating a pathway to legal status for "unauthorized immigrants" ALREADY in this Country and constructing a way for people to legally enter and work is the only way to stem the tide of migrants trying to enter the U.S. anyway they can".


The falsehood of this statement should be obvious to anyone willing to open their minds to the reality of the situation.

The way to stem the tide of "migrants" trying to enter the U.S. is simply to get serious about doing so.

Put our Military on the Border in sufficient numbers to stop virtually anyone from our Nation and that part of the problem is solved.

Then detain and deport everyone we know that is here illegally, A great many of those living in the shadows will self-deport and go back to their country of origin.

Refuse any benefits to those that can not prove they are here legally, including having a job, free heaith care, food stamps un-employments checks and any other peaks we are now illegally providing them with.


What message will this send??? We have finally awakened and are now serious about protecting America from illegal entry, as our Laws dictates we should...




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Eisenhower was an under-appreciated President ... we need another one like him.

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Amen, all of this stuff is set-up for the elections this year and in 2016. Sorry, I call it the way I see it. Our country is in a lot trouble and if folks don't start voting with reality in mind, we are doomed.

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