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A very sad day!

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I never said anything to disrespect the man or his service. I simply don't think he should get that same tag when he gets home and shouldn't get his money back. Is there such a problem with that? You telling me my opinion is wrong is like me telling you that you're opinion that steak tastes good is wrong. You need to rephrase your sentence to "since you're opinion isn't the same as mine I'm gonna cry about it and tell you that your opinion is wrong." That would describe what's going on perfectly. Not sure how you took what I said and twisted it into what you just said but not sure where you're going with it. According to your way of thinking the military members should get their own rules and benefits of the draw because they help the nation and community. If they do then let's let the cops and fireman have the same benefits. They help out the community as well. But let's not forget about the paramedics and nurses and doctors who work hard to help the community and nation as well. We better make special rules for them too. Get my point? Who is to decide where the line is drawn if the military helps the nation be more safe and free than the cop. Or if the fireman makes the nation more safe than the paramedic and then who gets to decide which one of all of them gets the special privileges in the draw?

Nothing else matters if national defense fails or isnt there. We dont have cops or paramedics or fireman or nurses or etc, etc, without keeping the nation as a whole free and safe first from those outside here who would take that away. Sure those jobs are obvisouly important and vital to a society as a whole but without a national defense, they dont exist in a choatic society overun by other nations. They wouldnt be able to exist! The military is where u draw the line, Cause thats where it starts and stops. This whole idea isnt complex. They dont help the community, they make the community at all even possible. Giving them there points and money back isnt unfair. Its not fair politicians start wars they dont fight yet they answer that call still. They are first and foremost the reason we can even have a system to put in to hunt at all. Perhaps we should go to a mandatory draft so more will apppreciate what freedom takes to be secured. Again, you have the right to your opinion but I believe its wrong.
I think what 777 is getting at is, not all citizens that join the service are enlisting out of patriotic duty but, because of a great occupation opportunity. Not to say the OP is one of those guys. But it's something to consider. heck, some join just to get a paid education. I see both sides.



Alot join for reasons outside of patriotic duty, you are spot on with that. Ask anyone who has served and they will tell you not everyone who puts on a uniform is a good or heroic person. However we still benefit from there service. If war calls them to fight, they have to go regardless of why they joined. Or go AWOL. But that usually, usually...not always, takes care of its self.



I agree, we just see it differently. And again, you have that right, as you should.

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Hopefully you will draw the tag again when you get back, if you do contact me i know the unit and i can get you on a monster bull.Thanks for your service ! and be safe out there.

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With 14 points He ought to be close to 100% draw on archery . If not just another 1-2 years. no need for big argument.............BOB!

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Bummer about the timing. I had a similar situation last year, albeit an archery cow tag. I figure the money goes to the right place and at least we get our points back. I just got back from my year over there, and boy is it good to be back! Good luck and get home soon.

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Thanks for all the kind words. I checked the other day and I now have 15 points back in the bucket for elk. Now I need to make the choice of Smokepole or Archery if I am that far in the points game. Not sure what the max for Smokepole is for Unit 9.

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I wonder why the game and fish couldn't hook you up with a tag when you get back that sucks

+1 on that. They oughta give you a tag when you get back.


Thanks for your service Brother....and stay safe!

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Thanks for your service and good Karma will definitely come your way when you return. Prayers for a safe trip home. :)



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I think if your in the military and something comes up with regards to the subject you should get special treatment above and beyond the people benefiting from your service. If your life is on the line then you stand out above the rest regardless of the reason your serving. Heck there should be an extra bonus point given for serving in itself, maybe we would have more of these brave guys around if they got an extra point. Risking your life is something most wouldn't understand.

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A few scenarios that the AZGFD should ponder if a military member gets orders for a deployment (OEF/OIF-Presidential orders-Not sure if Bonecollector777 know what that means!)


Scenario 1- Turn tag back in, get your points back, get your money back, and apply next time when member gets back from deployment.

Scenario 2- Donate tag to Wounded Warriors or Hunt of a Lifetime, get your points back, get your money back, and apply next time when member gets back from deployment.

Scenario 3- Donate tag to person of your choice, get your points back, get your money back, and apply next time when member gets back from deployment.

Scenario 4- Give the AZGFD a written letter in case you do not return on where you would like your points transferred to (family, a wounded warrior, or a child of your choice) (Kind of like a Will)


I could probably think of a few more Scenarios.


We all know how long it takes to get these tags and how much money we spend applying, OHV tags for our ATV’s, gas money scouting etc. the list goes on. It just takes a little thinking outside of the box.


I could probably think of a few more Scenarios. What do you guys think?

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