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WTB Left Handed Rifle

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I'm a left-handed shooter. Everywhere I go I always look for them. All I've seen lately is Tikka, Savage and maybe some expensive Brownings. I would recommend ordering one you want.

If you're looking for used, can't really help you. Keep looking in the classifieds, I bought a used Model 700 from someone on here about a year ago so they're out there just keep looking. Good luck.

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I'm so used to shooting right handed bolt actions now that it would be weird to switch it up. The rifle I'm having built is even right handed. I'm to deep to try and switch up haha. Good luck to you.

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I know where a nice weatherby 300 weatherby cab be had. If you're interested, message me and I can put you in contact.

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There is a 300 Win Mag savage 111 on AZShooting. Been there quite a while. Wants 550 for it. Already has a break.

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Glad my boy was encouraged to shoot right handed when he was young. Sure has saved a lot of money and headache finding guns & bows over the years.

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I'm left handed and the bow I shoot is left handed but all my guns are right handed. Just grew up shooting right handed, never left, and about a month ago I shot a good friends rifle that was left handed and I just couldn't get comfortable behind the gun haha. Just too used to right handed anything else feels weird. But besides shooting guns, everything else I do, I do left handed.

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I'm right handed and would shoot right handed if I could. I have a vision problem in my right eye that forces me to shoot left handed. The problem was found when I was in Kindergarden when they test your eyes and ears. Since then, I was trained to shoot left handed. I can't see anyone in their right mind shooting left handed otherwise. There are just way too many options for right handed shooters. All of my dad's rifles are right handed and I have no issue shooting them. He bought me my first left bolt when I was about 13, and that was all I used for years. I got to where I could cycle the bolt really well and just kept buying left bolts ever since.

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