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Guest 300ultramag.

Game and Fish Petition

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that was my thinking when I read this thread. don't get me wrong, im all about a big rack but at the end of the day its the memories of the hunt really. and it could turn out this is the most memorable hunt of his life.

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Guest 300ultramag.

I realize people have different perspectives on this situation, and I would like to share my perspective and my reasons for my efforts.


First off you CW members are a great bunch. If I don't agree with you, I respect you, and your opinions and would not hesitate to camp/hunt/fish with anyone of you.




My perspective is this.


I waited in line for my turn to chase elk. It took 11 years to get and that is fine.... that is the draw system. I live with this, as everyone else does. It is my opinion that if a guy or gal waits X years plus to chase elk and when he or she finally draws his first tag and his first tag only.Well If circumstances such as mine do arise and the said hunter can get an X amount of fellow outdoorsman to review the situation and validate my position via a petition, well I believe that the department should or could at least considerate the option to surrender being that it would be my 1st tag. If this was my 2nd 3rd or 4th tag I would be okay with my situation.




If it is your first tag of the species- a one time "Ability to surrender" back to the department would be made available

X amount of signatures to validate position by fellow outdoorsman

Consideration by the department to initiate a surrender.



So that is my rant.


On a side note: I will be going on my hunt, whatever the outcome. Take care

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tred barta is my hero. serious

Hey trphyhntr,....If Tred Barta is your hero??....maybe you should listen to how he feels about other hunters he has helped and and what changed in him after he got paralyzed!!....he shows alot of Compassion for fellow hunters!!!...its Question #4..listen to it!!..we all know 300ultamag does not have a snow balls chance in heck with Game & Fish!!...he was not asking for you to agree with him!!!..he wanted help!!....if it works!!.. let happen for him!!...at least he's not giving up!!..its up to us as hunters to support each other in these trying times!!.. LIVE TO HUNT!!! HUNT TO LIVE!!

Tred Barta - talks about becoming paralyzed and how it's ...


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I think we all want to see 300ultramag kill a great Bull. Hopefully the petition will give G&F enough of a push to put this type of situation into Policy for future hunters.


Maybe a bunch of us could help carry him around the woods like an egyption king. That would be a site to see in the woods:)



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@smitty, dude Im not for tag returns. why should OP get to return his tag? you think he is the only person with a tag experiencing something like this right now? I think they should be non refundable. you don't, cool.


ironic youd bring up tred being that he makes no excuses for himself and just sucks it up and does it. I also like that he blasts lib's.

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My brother in law drew his first bull tag and the got deployed to Afghanistan 3 months prior to the hunt and game and fish told him he could donate the tag but that's it I hope this petition works out for you and changes the way for the future of all unseen circumstances

Unless it is a new law your brother in law could have surrendered his tag and gotten the bonus point back!


"The Department shall reinstate any bonus points for- feited for a successful hunt permit-tag application for military personnel, military reserve personnel, national guard personnel, or public agency employees who are unable to use the hunt permit-tag due to mobili- zation, activation, or required duty in response to a declared national or state emergency, or required duty in response to an action by the President, Congress, or a governor of the United States or its territories. Under A.R.S. § 17-332(E), no refunds for a license or hunt per- mit-tag will be issued to an applicant who applies for reinstatement of bonus points under this subsection. To request reinstatement of forfeited bonus points under these circumstances, an applicant shall submit all of the following information to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Draw Section, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086"

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I waited 15 years for my first rifle bull tag and was drawn in 2004. The day after I received the notification that I was drawn I went in for an ultrasound. I was diagnosed with Kidney cancer and underwent surgery on August 6th. to remove one kidney. I checked then and there were no provisions for any relief for the tag, Long story short, I did go with my sons. I had help from some very great people and I did get a bull. The memories regarding the difficulties are very vivid. The pain was there all along the way but I wanted to be out there. It may be a very memorable hunt. As far as the petition goes, that will not carry a lot of weight, because so many have been in that position before and had to pass on their tag. The good news however is that the commission is working on a program to turn in a tag and then be in line the following year. Many other western states have that in place already. Best of luck no matter what happens BPJ

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"the good news - the commission is working on a program to turn in a tag and then be next in line the following yr."


what the heck does that mean - that they get to go to the head of the line and not have to go thru the regular draw like the rest of us ,just because they turned it back in!???


Lets hope they are not that stupid !

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Guest 300ultramag.

BPJ- that is an incredible out come from a really bad situation. First and foremost I am moved by your story and how you overcame the c word.. I really had an eye opener this weekend. As well from your journey and It is a reminder that i am very fortunate with what I do have. Take care

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