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Is it worth it to go to RMEF banquets?

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I've been debating on going to the banquet in Tucson next month and I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the events. I've been to NRA events before and frankly it was pretty much a joke. The "giveaways" for the raffles went 80 percent to district people visiting from other areas and the other 20 went to major sponsors. The speakers at the NRA one were pretty bad too, basically begging for donations the whole night. Are the RMEF banquets any better? I fully support the organization but I've never been exposed to the local chapters in AZ and have never been to one of the banquets. Do they give any actual information or beg for money the whole night?

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Ive gone past 4 years. Its getting bigger every year. Theyre already close to maximum occupancy this year so if you want to go I would purchase your ticket asap. Its a fun night. $20 all you can drink beer and lots of raffles and silent auctions. With the amount of people its pretty hard to win stuff but hey its for a good cause. Plus you get to talk about the upcoming seasons with lots of diffenrt people. Definitely worth going at least once

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You do realize the whole point of the banquet is to raise money....So as you put it... begging for money all night is why they are there. Most of the items are either live auction or raffle, So you can bid or buy raffle tickets.....It is not a hunting seminar it is a fund raiser so info will be limited if any at all... If you are looking for free items or give aways it's probably not the place for you...

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I agree with the others, yes, banquets can be a fun time swapping hunting stories with other like minded folks but speakers / presentations limited at best. RMEF is a national group, so any message will most likely include others states which may or may not be of interest to you. Also, consider that a large portion of the money raised will leave the state to support their national programs. If you want to ensure the money you spend will be put to use in Arizona, you could consider the Arizona Elk Society

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Injunjon, I am just wondering what it is you are expecting to get or hear when you attend a banquet

I go to banquets because it is a great place to meet new people who have the same love for the wildlife as I do and if I win a gun or a water can then great because I know the real wiiners are the wildlife .

If you want to learn more about hunting then maybe you need to go to one of the many hunting seminars given by just about every group out there.

Hopefully you will hear some good advise or learn a new technic while attending one.

If you need help locating a certain hunting seminar in your area then you can ask here on this site and I am sure someone will help,there are alot of good people on here.

I will be attending the first ever AES White Mountain Chapters first Banquet tomorrow in Showlow ,The AES will also be having there annual elk hunting seminar at the FOP lodge on 19th ave in Phx on July 26th,The doors open at 8:00am .

You can go to the AES website for more info are send me a pm and I will help with any info I can.

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I believe with RMEF 17-18% of $ stays in State. With AZ ELK SOC. 100% stays , thats what I heard. Don't know if its true. RMEF does donate to some projects here but they are a big ORG with overhead and employees I would think. I would put My $ to AES............BOB!

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Yes 100% of the money raised by AES stays right here in AZ.The money for the auction tags goes to the AZGF but the organizations get a say as to how that money is. used.But remember those groups cannot do what they do without our help such as buying a membership or going to one of there fund raisers.Even when you go to your local sporting goods store and you see someone selling tickets for a gun raffle and you buy one you are helping in your on way.

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Thanks guys. I'm not expecting any kind of seminar, just an update on what the organization is doing, etc. The NRA banquets I went to did not give much information on what the organization had done in the area and pretty much just focused on bashing anti gun lobbyists and Obama. I don't care really about the raffles and everything because it does go to a good cause, it just struck me at the NRA one that the whole thing was rigged, which I don't agree with at all.

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as far as raffles / drawings / games of chance being rigged for any organization's hosting a fundraising banquet, I highly doubt that occurs. It is very likely a function of the folks from other areas and the major sponsors spending a considerable amount of money on raffle tickets / playing games of chance, only stands to reason the chance of winning increases the more tickets you have in the hopper

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My wife and I and some friends who oddly enough dont hunt, all go every year for 4 years now and a few before that before I was a hunter. We always have a good time and its worth it if you want to get involved in the hunting community and what it stands for. These events are keeping a future alive for our sport. I here tell that the Tucson RMEF is number one in alot of the country and puts up some huge numbers, I must admit I am not a high roller and I get out bid alot and have never won a raffle but we do our part and have fun doing it. I highly recomend it, plan on about 2 or 3 hundred bucks and your set. If you have some bigger rolls by all means drop some coin for elk conservation.

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I have attended several RMEF banquets over the years. I did notice that a lot of the raffles were won by RMEF volunteers, but that was because they were the ones buying most of the raffle tickets. These guys support the cause with both their dollars and their time. The banquets were both fun and a great place to meet & visit with both guides and hunters.

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Here's a chance to learn.



JULY 26, 9am to 4pm
102.jpg Join the AES and Dan Whitmus for this year's AES Elk Clinic. July 26, 9am-4pm. Full of informative sessions to teach you all about hunting elk in AZ. Bulls and Cows, Rifle and Archery. Learn how to glass elk, prep the hide, harvest the meat and much more from elk hunting experts. Hunting gear, taxidermists, processors will be on hand to show you the latest things you need for your hunt. The clinic will be at the FOP Lodge #2 on 19th Ave between Cactus and Thunderbird Rd. Tickets are available ONLINE at the Arizona Elk Society website. Seating is limited. Tickets are $20 for adult and $10 for juniors. Lunch is included in the price of the tickets. Doors open at 8am.

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Injunjon, If you want to attend and enjoy a large RMEF banquet fundraiser then by all means come on down to Tucson. If you prefer a smaller event then RMEF still has banquets this year in Prescott, Flagstaff and the White Mountains. I mainly support RMEF but am a member of multiple other groups including AES. Just a few things to clarify, a percentage of what RMEF raises in Arizona stays in Arizona. This year we have spent about $200,000 in banquet money on projects ranging from youth hunting programs to thinning to prescribed burns. RMEF is a national organization and yes we do have overhead but so do all groups. RMEF has one paid employee in the State, all of the remaining people are volunteers. Volunteers are eligible to purchase raffle tickets and win items.


If you can support multiple organizations then do so, if not pick one that you enjoy and support it. It really doesn't matter who we support as long as we as hunters and outdoorsmen support the organizations we believe in and do some good for the future of hunting and the outdoors.

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I support both AES (best money I spend each year, IMHO) and RMEF with membership dollars and try to attend the banquets for at least one, if not both. Info on what the orgs do and how they're spending dollars can usually be found on their respective websites. Banquets are mostly reserved for rah-rah speeches and raising more dollars, which is fine by me. AES spends a bunch of man-hour time and money on work projects that benefit all wildlife in the areas as well as youth camps that will hopefully help with hunter R&R. RMEF spends a lot of money on land/habitat acquisition and lobbying, which is important too considering the antis have lots of lobbying dollars. You want to make sure we have a seat at the table? Well, that takes money and it takes everyone to pitch in. Pretty worthwhile, I'd say.


Just my 2¢. And my membership fees, banquet seats and raffle ticket money, of course. :P

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