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BNIB Kimber 84L Mountain Ascent 280 ackley improved

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Look it up online for specs and pics. Brand new in box with all paperwork and threaded muzzlebrake cap and unscrew tool.

5.5 lbs


24" barrel not including muzzlebrake

Optifade camo stock

1-9 1/2 twist


I have the same in a 270 win.



Thanks Jeff. 602--722--- 4 9 31


I am located at 56th st and Shea

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Nicest long range rifle for the money. I have a 270 in the exact same rifle and it shoots sub 3/8" groups. I ordered both rifles when they came out and the 270 came in first so I set it up and shot perfect, never got to the 280 ack imp so selling it. I have set up over 20 kimber rifles and had all them shooting 1/2" or less ( reloading ). This caliber in a rifle with these specs should be a good one and recoil like a 243 since my 270 recoils like a 22-250 with the muzzlebrakes they have. Only thing you have to do is make sure barrel is floated and re- beaded from 1" in front of recoil lug to the rear tang because of the slave action used to make the stocks. Whoever buys this rifle I will help with the reloading data and set up with the rifle since I have had a few 280 ack imp and so many kimber rifles.

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