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The whole lot in the IRS needs to be charged with whatever they can think of (fraud, perjury, obstruction, etc.) and should be put away for a VERY long time.

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It was awesome to see him tear into him. But just like Lerner, what ever actually gets done to them? Slap on the wrist. It'd be really awesome to actually see some action and see something come of it rather than just a butt chewing. It all just seems to "go away" in time.

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It's time for action and not lip service. Anyone with a home computer knows those emails are not lost

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That arrogant p.o.s IRS dude didnt give a sh*t what Congressman Ryan thought or said. Every member of Pauls extended family is on the audit list now.

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Anyone with any knowledge understands that emails are stored on the server. Everyone is concentrating on the hard drive. That's not where those emails are. All those servers are redundantly backed up. From the source server to the ISP server to the destination server....and all the backups to those servers! I'd set up subpoenas on all those servers.

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This makes Watergate look benign. What the IRS did is illegal, it's dishonest, as Forlorn pointed out, those emails were never stored on a PC hard drive - it's just another lie to cover up illegal actions by the most transparent administration in our history.


And when Koskinen says "no apology needed" I agree - I don't want an apology - I want him and everyone behind this in prison. Getting called out on the senate floor is nothing to this guy. Stick him in general population at Pelican Bay for 25 years. See how smug he is then.

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They all suck. And diplomacy and talk arent gonna be what it takes to change things in this country. Just look at what it took to found this country.

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I also read awhile back that Paul Ryan wants to sell off public lands, which I am not in favor of. I get a ton of use out of our nation's public lands and think it's one of our best assets. Selling them off to pay for spending is bad for this country. you can google it for more info

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I should have said Ryan ripping there a** was awesome. I realize most of the republicans are a joke also. It is unbelievable what is going on right now!

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It isn't unbelievable ... it is typical politician BS. Show me an honest politician and I'll show you someone who is BRAND NEW to the job and hasn't had the time to start being corrupted by the system.


This country was founded by people who understood that "public service" was a duty, not a career. The men (they were all men back then) in those days had lives and careers outside of the political arena, and didn't serve for life.


Look at Charlie Rangle ... 40 years now in the House. That is 20 times the people in New York have elected a lying, tax cheating SCUMBAG to screw them over some more. And where has it gotten them ... NO WHERE. Meanwhile ol' Charlie has gotten rich and fat.


This government needs term limits. Not only for Congress ... for the Supreme Court too. Appointed for Life is BS.


Ryan was right for ripping the IRS, but he's a D-Bag just like the rest of the career Washingtonians. Give 'em all the boot I say ... start by impeaching Dumbo and go on from there.

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The change needed is epic. Words cannot describe how bad our system has gotten. Yet its only going to get worse. And unfortunently people are too apathetic and content being lazy for it to change before it takes drastic measures to undo it. I hear people all the time talking this politician and that politician up and I cant believe what I hear. Like sjvcon stated, politicians serve as a career not as a duty to help the country. Look at our financial system! Backed by nothing but debt, cause of lying, corrupt politicians. What happens when the debt holders say no more and dont take dollars as payment cause they know its worth nothing? You dont have to be a Republican or Democrat to see whats going on cant keep going forever. The process can only slug along for so long before it completely stops. But we allow it to happen, and until we demand.....no..... make it stop, things wont change.

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Trey Gowdy, now he is awesome!

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