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Archery mule deer question??

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I have an archery deer tag for sept 1. The country I have to hunt has decent deer numbers but it is thick cedars and some sage brush. How would go about hunting the thick country where glassing for a stalk isn't very effective? Has anyone had much luck sitting water for mule deer? I am gonna have trail cams out and do some scouting I just wonder what is the most effective way to hunt this thick country with a bow. Thanks

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I have had some luck sitting water. I have "seen" a lot more though just by patterning the areas they walk and finding a corridor, oak thicket or some other food source that they frequent. It just requires a lot of hiking and time on the ground to figure out where they bed and escape too.


Having said that....I posted up some cam pics recently where I chased a big mulie and have seen other decent bucks in some thick pines/oaks. After a month and a 1/2 I didn't get a single deer on my camera. As others would say "they get big for a reason."

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I dunno if this is true but I've been told mule deer are extremely hard to pattern because they don't always frequent the same water. But I've been told coues deer are pretty habitual. Just what I've heard. Haven't observed it

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I have had luck checking water early for fresh tracks. Then still hunting.

Good luck



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Mule Deer Bucks tend to water at night. They are pretty nocturnal and will rarely water during the day. Right at first light and right at dark will be your best odds. Motion cams will give you a good idea of what to expect. If you have pictures of them only at night sitting water will most likely be a mistake. If you get a few pictures of the buck you are after when its light odds are slightly better. But it might take a solid week or two/ OR MORE to catch him at the water in shooting light. The day you don't show up will be the day he comes in when you could have shot him;) Generally speaking if there isn't a lot of water sources available they will hit the same one. Might only be every fourth or fifth day though. They don't have to drink every day. If you do your homework you will see a pattern for when they come in to water, and can go from there. Your other option would be to figure out where they like to feed and bed, and try to set up in between the water and bedding areas to try and catch them in the day. Mule Deer will travel several miles to water witch can make it very hard. Good LUCK!!!

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This hunt must not be in AZ if you have a Sep 1 tag already? If the area is really thick and you don't have good vantage points to glass, you are left with only a couple options. Still hunting is very hard to near impossible in thick cedars. Trail cameras and sitting water or salt are probably your best bet. But from what I have experienced, you chances are not very good unless you have most or preferably ALL of the following ingredients:

-- a very high deer density in the area,

-- recent cam pics of bucks on water(salt) during daylight,

-- NO other water available for SEVERAL miles,

-- no other hunters driving around the area or hunting the area(this almost always makes good bucks nocturnal drinkers if they were not already),

-- a blind or tree stand that has been on the water for a couple of weeks prior to the hunt so they can acclimate to its presence.


If you have all of those, give me a call and I'll come watch the show!!!

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