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Father's Day specials

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On Mother's Day there were certain restaurants that had free meals for mom. I was wondering if anyone out there heard about any Father's Day deals for tomorrow. In Tucson. Happy Father's Day to all dads have a good one.


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I get free meals every night I'm home! My wife rocks.

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What's your address? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously though. There were several places that offered free meals and drinks for moms on mothers day. What a crock!

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Happy Father's day. When it hits the fan, you're gonna soak it up. In moments of glory, get used to the fact that you probably won't be recognized.


Dads are unsung heroes but they wear that badge with honor.


What dads do isn't for glory or recognition, it's for being that quiet rock that is there to give everything and expect nothing and relish in those moments when your kids do something truly exceptional.


I'm blessed by the way I see my sons growing up and becoming young men. They have all given me the best "Father's Day" present I could ask for.

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Rawhide has a free steak dinner for Fathers Day. It's just the 9 ouncer but you can up grade for like $5-$10. I went last year, was a dang good steak, porter house I think....

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I just went on line and there are a bunch of Father's Day specials all over the valley.


Happy Father's Day to all you Fathers. You are blessed! :)



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Coach, I couldn't of said it better. My post wasn't supposed to look like I wanted some recognition. If it did, sorry. Happy Fathers day to all of us who put our kids first. :D

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Happy Father's day. When it hits the fan, you're gonna soak it up. In moments of glory, get used to the fact that you probably won't be recognized.


Dads are unsung heroes but they wear that badge with honor.


What dads do isn't for glory or recognition, it's for being that quiet rock that is there to give everything and expect nothing and relish in those moments when your kids do something truly exceptional.


I'm blessed by the way I see my sons growing up and becoming young men. They have all given me the best "Father's Day" present I could ask for.



You mean you didn't spend all day on Groupon looking for a pat on the back? Well your in good company. Being a Dad is making sure your kids feel good about themselves on Fathers Day and seeing their eyes light up. I guess if your "19 And Counting" then looking for deals could be a priority.

As a father who is one kid short because I couldn't be there when the SHTF I can tell you every Fathers Day (and every other day for that matter) is bittersweet.

My youngest who is closing in on his mid twenties called me at 6:30 this morning. I was most of the way through my first cup of coffee. He came over and picked me up and we went to the Mesquite on Baseline like we usually do and had breakfast. If you blink you'll miss it. A little place, nothing fancy just good food from a husband and wife, two people in the kitchen and a kid about 12 that has a great attitude and is probably their grandkid.

Well Junior has been bustin his butt for 10 years on his Grandpa's cotton farm and just started a new job. No check for a few weeks so breakfast was on me. I also filled the tank on his truck so he can drive into Phoenix until he gets his first paycheck since he also has other bills and his wallet is bit thicker too. Life is good. As a Dad it's nice to be appreciated but that's my purpose and I am going to do it regardless as it has been over the years when I stepped up and did what was needed for my nieces and nephews at the snap of a finger. Glad to do it even though it almost cost me my job a few times. I get accused of "John Wayneing it" but I have no regrets. Resturant specials are helpful, no doubt and planning way ahead if needed is always a good thing for a young growing family.

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Coach, I couldn't of said it better. My post wasn't supposed to look like I wanted some recognition. If it did, sorry. Happy Fathers day to all of us who put our kids first. :D


Certainly didn't mean to imply that at all! I was just reflecting on my own observations. Happy Father's day to you.

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The mesquite is one of the places I eat when I do go out for breakfast. Hope everyone had a great Father's Day. :)



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