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Just wanted to say happy birthday Doug! Hope you have a great day.



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Happy Birthday Doug

Good Luck and God Bless

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Happy Birthday! Thanks for calling last night - it was good visiting with you - even if you are going to make the draw odds in my unit worse for me. Ha just kidding. Take Amanda's advice and got with 27. CYA :)

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Happy b-day RR! Remember, getting old is the goal.


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Thanks y'all. Survived the first 365 days on the backside of a slippery slope. Will have to celebrate with a Diet Coke..... Maybe I'll sneak in just one beer- don't know if it's wisdom or the gout.



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I hope you have a great birthday and good luck to you in this years draws. Man you are about five days older than me. Go figure. Us old guys get it done though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rich Thompson

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Happy B-day Doug. Wishing you the best.

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Always enjoy the pics and your wisdom of Arizona. Enjoy the day and many more to come.


Your Kodiak AK pictures and Blue Grouse were some of the best on CWT.


The other Doug


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Tell you what... I'll drink some beer for you. Have a great b-day! ;)

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Hey RR... Just wanted to chime in and say have a great Day....

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