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A Vintage Deer

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I shot this deer in 1991 after months of scouting high desert areas. Put him and 4 other bucks to bed the day before opening season. 7:30 the next morning he was hanging in camp. The reason I posted this is not the fact that the photo is vintage, but the fact that when we were checked in camp by G&F officers Dan Diamond and at the time rookie Mark T. Quigley, They looked at him and commented on the weird antler growth out of the bases. Dan asked me if he had both or any testicles on him as he said that may have caused the extra horns. Well, he had them both and I believe from hunting the same area for years he had passed his genes on as I have seen bucks there with antler growth like this one. They estimated him at about 13 years old. WOW! To me that was a vintage deer. If you look at his left ear it's kinda chewed up. They said probably from a mountain lion attack he survived. Also the left main beam was broken off. I was told he was 160+ buck with the broken left beam.

Thanks for looking.post-12458-0-90698900-1401987833_thumb.jpegpost-12458-0-22824700-1401987551_thumb.jpg

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That's a dandy for sure. Thanks for sharing the history behind this buck. :)



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Wow, cool buck!

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