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outside faucet issue

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Hey everyone. Have a strange issue with my backyard faucet having very low pressure. It barely spins the sprinkler. What's strange, is the front yard faucet has full pressure and works fine. Inside of house has full pressure also. I've checked for water leaks with none found.


This is an older home up north we still own and just getting it going for summer. The backyard faucet is supplied by the indoor water supply so when I shut off the water to the house, no water comes thru. The front yard faucet its supplied by the main to the house.


Any thoughts? Thanks.

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if you can un screw the top of the faucet with the handle and guts you can replace that. The rubber likely has dried out and is blocking it from opening completely. that would be my first place to look.

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Thanks. Unfortunately didn't bring my good tools up. Can take the handle off but need some wrenches to take the rest apart. Might just go buy a whole new faucet and try that out on my next trip up. Thanks again.

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It's probably as simple as your back yard spigot coming through the house is 1/2" line compared to the front being 3/4". You just can't put a lot of water through 1/2". That's why if you put in a sprinkler system you need to bring a main around from the front.

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It's probably as simple as your back yard spigot coming through the house is 1/2" line compared to the front being 3/4". You just can't put a lot of water through 1/2". That's why if you put in a sprinkler system you need to bring a main around from the front.

Thanks. We use lawn sprinklers for the back, no system. Was working fine last time we used it in October before shutting the house down for winter. In fact, pressure was good for as long as I can remember, 30+ years.

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Could be gravel in the hose bib or sprinkler heads?

sounds like this is it, take the faucet off and turn water on to flush then replace. They're cheap, just get a new one.

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It's a freeze proof faucet. Earlier suggestion makes me believe the sillcock has failed.

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Ok, I have the same thing up north. You can pull all the guts out and take a look. I've had mine leak and called the company and they sent a replacement cartridge. Mines a B +K Mueller. If your lucky you can find a replacement cartridge at a plumbing store near your cabin. I wasn't .

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