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We're dead last??

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While I did take out a doe many years ago topping a rise on 83 halfway to Sonoita, that barely missed herd of elk crossing 180 one night North of Flagstaff was a lot scarier. I've seen several elk lying dead on the shoulders of I-40 too. I bet we are a lot higher on the elk roadkill scale. As often as I've heard about New York deer getting hit I'm surprised they're not high risk.

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Numbers make sense to me. Our herd numbers pale in comparison to many states, and the size of our state is massive in relation to many others making the chance of a collision that much more unlikely, especially since our largest metropolitan area, Phoenix, offers less than ideal habitat for deer.

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When I lived in CO, I would see 3-5 fresh ones every morning driving the 25+ miles home from work. In the 2 months since I started working here in GA, I've seen 4 happen to the vehicle in front of me and about 3 fresh ones a week, and it is maybe a 15 mile commute.

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