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We're dead last??

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If you mark out deer and write in Elk we would be right at the top.

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Came the closest ever to clocking a whole pile of deer Saturday night just north of the Shumway cuts, 8 deer crossed as I was putting on the brakes praying that the car behind me was paying enough attention. Had my wife and son both hollering at me to go left or right to miss them all.


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I call bogus. I totaled our van with eight people inside on a deer near Gila Bend back in 2010. Mulie doe stepped out of the median at 11:45 pm and stepped right into my lane. That is one less deer, unfortunately. All were safe inside the van. I call bogus on that statistic!!!

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I hit a fawn a couple years ago that would of been a buck. Kind of a bummer since I don't see many bucks in that unit. I barely missed the doe and never seen him following behind.

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Hard to hit the wt where there are no roads in the rugged country :-)

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I'm glad we are dead last. Also the deer around our highways are pretty shot up due to access issues in az. Stuff gets hunted hard around roads here.

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I read a few years ago there are as many deer hit by cars in Pennsylvania as we have in total in AZ.


After driving a couple of times in rural TX, if I lived there, I would NOT drive at night!


I know more people in AZ that have hit cattle than have hit deer with their cars.

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I read a few years ago there are as many deer hit by cars in Pennsylvania as we have in total in AZ.


After driving a couple of times in rural TX, if I lived there, I would NOT drive at night!


I know more people in AZ that have hit cattle than have hit deer with their cars.

I lived in pennsylvania from 1996 to 2000 going to dental school at university of pitts. If i had to drive into school to study at the library at night it could get pretty hairy sometimes. Literally like driving through a storm of deer. Lots of evasive action required!!

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Whoever created this list clearly hasn't driven through the hill country of Texas in November....

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I spent 2010-2011 in Montana, close to YNP. It was the big dang Buffalo you had to watch out for. I saw what a vehicle looked like after hitting one. It wasn't pretty.

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I make the trip from tucson to Illinois every November to go hunt and It blows my mind the amount of dead deer I see from Texas to Illinois. The first year I went I counted over 260 road kill deer. Most were on the will Rodgers and turner turnpike but I thought to myself if I ever saw that many road kill deer in AZ we wouldn't have a dang deer left in the state. Not to mention that in the 3 day shotgun season in Illinois they kill over 150,000 deer.... Doesnt put a dent in the deer population.... Feel fortunate for what you have AZ residents. There's nothing like the hunting in arizona anywhere else on earth... Work hard and appreciate the resources you have

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