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Some items I found hunting

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Thanks for the heads up bowsniper but I was just lying in my post, I have a low self esteem problem and often come on these internet sights and spout off with all of the things that I have not really accomplished. In fact I am morbidly obese and live in Florida and whenever I leave the house the fire dept has to remove my wall so I can be hoisted out with a crane. Richard Simmons frequently visits me and tells me Im a beautiful person inside, so Im okay with it all. In fact my name isnt even grizzly. :huh: So I never really found a tortoise.

Hey griz are you sure you are not CHD. That sounds like CHD.



Hey Im not calling you names, why would you want to insult me like that? As I remember Chris would spew insults at everyone on this board, my pain is on the inside, all because of a stupid turtle.

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