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Goulds state record!!!

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Tub ,Who is Millican, and who is mainly responsible for the goulds reintroduction? They all deserve alot of credit an recognition.Are they still expanding their range and growing in #'s?. Tub don't You think Brian, AKA Standman should be down there year round helping on projects!( LOL!)...........BOB!

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Nice!!! Love seeing the family out there. :-)

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John Millican is the retired Wildlife Manager for the area and the head of the local chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (and involved in many other organization). He started it all back in the department and then has continued to work with G&F. With NWTF funding and matching PR funding, they get turkeys from Mexico and have located them in most of the mts in S AZ. They are now naturally reproducing and supporting stocking efforts all over S AZ. It has been a huge success despite me not getting a tag!

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That's awesome Justin ! Hope it stays and doesn't shrink much before the official scoring. Huge Congrats man !

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