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AZ Unit 6a Archery Elk

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Thanks azelkhunter69. Have just started map study. Using Google earth and marking areas. AZ new map site looks good but I haven't yet figured out how to label areas on the map and save them. Looking at the topo maps up close, the unit is getting bigger! And, the canyons deeper. Am also liking the idea that "all" of the elk are not in the pines, that some hang out in the PJ even in September.

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I won't pass that bull ever again in my life any where. Gettin too old and the opportunities to hunt are finite now.

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A history teacher my fav, also nice pic of that velvet buck. Send me a Pm with any questions you might have. I will help as needed.

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I had this tag last year and 6ANut was very helpful with the information he provided. Unfortunately I wasn't able to tag out but I did have many good encounters. If you are worried about lots of hunters I would take to heart the advice that someone have earlier, and that is to get into the quiet areas and get back in away from the roads. It's an awesome time of year and you should be into elk every day. I scouted the southern portion all summer last year and was very excited about some of the bulls down there, but the rut never really got going down low so I ended up further north in the pines where the rut seems to take hold a little sooner. So be flexible, and be ready to put some miles on your boots, and you should have plenty of action.

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Thanks Bow Hunters. Very positive, supportive, and helpful site. Thanks for the pm too. Will try to reciprocate best I can. I know Nevada. I did Colorado 21/30 last year, "The Books" in Utah the year before. I also know Unit 1 in AZ, but that place is like ducks in a barrel. I guided for caribou for six seasons in Northern Quebec, so I can help there. Hunted Hawaii for Axis and New Zealand for Red Stag too. Can help there. Also guided, just two seasons, in East Central Idaho for Elk, can help there. Spent six seasons in the Rubies of Nevada. Just so ya' know, haven't shot a rifle since 1969 and proud of it.

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Congrats, will be watching to see how you do...I'll shoot you a PM, in NorCal also!

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I think we spoke on the phone already, but the advice you've gotten so far in this thread is solid. Only thing I'll add is not to fall in love with any one spot or bull, as your scouting week pre-hunt might start unraveling the Wednesday evening before the hunt or even Thursday. Hordes of trucks will be cruising in and pretty much nobody will be adhering to the road closure/travel management plan maps. Find a spot a half-mile from any road and you can probably hunt buck naked if that's your choice (being a Californian and all :P) and nobody would notice. Best of luck!

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LOL Thanks. I'll brace myself for the arrival of vehicles just prior to the opener. Will think, where will those bulls I saw last week go, when the fleet arrives? I hunted 21/30 Colorado last season for mule deer. Same exact scene, except when the mule deer left , they went to private property. And, they left on the opening day!

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I made my last scouring trip up there one week before the season opened last year, and I saw a 370+ bull 200 yards off the highway. I figured he'd still be right around the area come opening day since he had a good sized group of cows to keep him around. Never saw him again! Haha! Good luck man and please report back and let us know how it goes.

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