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Forecast: Heavy Snow / Wind

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So looking at the forecast for the weekend up in the area I'll be hunting, it calls for "Heavy Snow/Wind" 100% chance Saturday fore pretty much most of the day. How is this going to affect the Turkey movement, vocalization, breeding?

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So looking at the forecast for the weekend up in the area I'll be hunting, it calls for "Heavy Snow/Wind" 100% chance Saturday fore pretty much most of the day. How is this going to affect the Turkey movement, vocalization, breeding?

Probably won't affect them as much as it affects us. Can't hear them in the wind , very windy right now and suppose to be here awhile. I quit at 8:30 this morning, wind came up and my confidence went down.

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This morning my friend dumped a nice Tom around 8am in 23, said he was walking and calling...if you do hunt in heavy wind moving around and calling can be a good strategy.

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So looking at the forecast for the weekend up in the area I'll be hunting, it calls for "Heavy Snow/Wind" 100% chance Saturday fore pretty much most of the day. How is this going to affect the Turkey movement, vocalization, breeding?


Some of my best days I have had turkey hunting have been when snow is falling. The rain and snow last Saturday and the rain on early Monday the 14th seemed to make them more vocal. One thing for sure the wet ground will make it easier to move in the woods without making to much noise.

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I have noticed while out prowling around, the last couple of days in unit 27 & unit 1, a lot of the hens are through breeding

and leaving the flock to nest. Some of the Toms are gobbling a little but I haven't see any strutting. Maybe it's the weather

but I think the breeding is winding down, Seams a little early but everything is early this year. I think having no snow pack this winter really screwed thing up. Just my observation.

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I hunted this morning till 7AM. Got out of the truck at 5, with high winds and sprinkling. Walked a ridge I know they roost on, using my coyote howler early then switching to hen calls when it got light enough. I don't think a turkey could have heard me at 100 yds and I don't think I could have heard one at less than that. It's 8 AM , my hat goes off to anyone trying to hunt them with the snow, rain, and wind that is on the rim now.

Good luck to anyone up here!

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