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Wild Cat (Not Wildcat)

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I have two pictures taken last night. The more my folks spend on cameras the worse the pictures get. They had this cat walk by the cabin (Payson area) and we have no idea what it is. All you "find the deer" people seem to have magic eyes for bad photos so see what you can find.

About 24" at the back so way bigger than a domestic cat, stocky like a bobcat and the right size but face wasnt bob cat, white feet(?) and that long ringed tail is the clincher! Bad bad pictures through a window and screen, but maybe enough to ID I hope.

I think it was smelling their little min-pins :o and wanted a snack.


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Interesting, I was shed hunting last week in the Coconino and saw something similar. It was four times the size of an Albert's Squirrel and slightly larger than any housecat I've ever seen. My dog sent it into a hollow log. If it was a feral housecat, it was on steroids.

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I will go see them in a couple weeks and get them a camera set up. They insist it was way too big to be a domestic cat. More like a medium size dog. Do cats cross with bobcats or anything?

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Reminds me of some of my Mom's old pictures with the bulb flash.....every once in a while she somehow would get a double picture, I think it was because she forgot to wind the film.......would love to see a good picture of whatever that is.....

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When a cat humps a raccoon, that's what you get...

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