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**OBO ** updated on everything / Household items.. bissel, wind tunnel, twin bed, kitchen table, cuisinart auto grind coffee pot

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Done got married! 2 households merging. i have few items will be posting over nxt few weeks as we thin down houses.


**Only trades are guns and ammo that take less space or best cash offers. thx


I bissel carpet cleaner i posted in past but forgot who asked about it so sorry and for sale. 2 hoover windtunnel self propelled, 1 is bagless one bagged


Cleaner=$20 works


SOLD=$20 = Bagged---put new self propel arm on recently so good driving power and sucks likke a champ but 》》》(*shuts off after a big room and then you can turn back on 5 min later so clearly has slight overheating issue???) so gr8 for shop area or small space / apartment


$40 Bagless hoover wind tunnel was like $400 when purchased now beat up but works gr8!


Various accesories missing but machines work.


$80 = Nice little twin bed w/ mattress but mattress is just like big piece of foam gr8 for small child bigger would need more substantial mattress i would say. $100


*SOLD Love seat & big chair w/extra pillows = light color so could use cleaning on seat cushions if you have carpet cleaner if not buy 1 above. :)if you have


$90 glass top kitchen table 4 chairs tan metal-only recovered 2 chairs and slacked off i do have the material we boughtl for the other 2 or you can go buy your own clearance chunk of material at fabric store as we did. :)


$500 Bowflex PR 3000 always kept in living room so never toasted in garage or on patio or anything dumb.. does have hole in material on seat from dropping something on it other than that it is perfect


$30 cuisinart auto grind auto brew coffee pot 3/4 bag bag of french roast beans included! makes tasty java cost was like $175 works perfect and doubles as alarm clock if bedroom close to kitchen! lets just say grinding beans is not quiet. makes for some excellent coffee



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Would you be interested in trades? I have about 100 once fired 22lr.

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